
Oh good, I’m glad my comment was working as intended. ;)

“Not so much when your car has no heat/AC”

Ya’ll need more fiber in your life. :p

“I shouldn’t trust anybody.”

It’s the Remix to Ignition, Straight to Federal Prison.

I still don’t have a problem with “believe first.” You know why? Because the police did their damn job and discovered it was a lie. Always believe something happened and the ‘what’ needs to be examined closely.

Racist and homophobic bigots want this to be a hoax so they can, as you said, claim “I always hated that lying [insert words here]...”


No... uh, one cares about your.. uh..

I’d read this book as long as it had Suess-esque illustrations.

Because researching it is oppressive! Or some such.

I dunno, grammar nazis seem to be very ragey, lately.

“Let’s see how much urine is in it. Let’s really put it under a microscope.”

With comments like these are you really getting anything out of that Full Sail education?

Don’t be so harsh on yourself, I’d just say you’re mildly autistic, not retard.

Hey, we haven’t voted in Donnie for President, yet!

How in the living fuck are the Fords even allowed near a government position after Robbie’s antics?

That’s already in effect. Why do you think Disney only donated $1mil?


Me giving a homeless guy $5 should not be the “Man, I deserve a fucking pat on the back by the world! PRAISE ME.”