
So, if the hackers can overwrite the firmware remotely... why the hell does Chrysler need a physical connection to fix the issue?

And if he’s very lucky, it will be in that order.

That’s not a bad idea. LA is probably the only city that wouldn’t have to build any venues. The Coliseum, Rose Bowl, Doger Stadium, Angels Stadium, Home Depot Center, Staples Center, Hinda Center, Citezens Bank Arena, Anahien Arena all within 50 miles or so...yep LA has it pretty much covered, not to mention the many

if a google panda picks this thing up, im getting the fucking farthest away i can...

I want to follow this guy’s adventure, but I think I’d actually get upset if I found out something horrible happened to him, just as I get sad when I see destroyed teddy bears.

I would watch a buddy movie about a hithchiking robot and a driverless car and their wacky adventures. At the end of the movie they will realize that the journey is more important than the destination, and then they will kill all humans.

“Now I want to experience the American dream.”

It sure looks like something Ricky and Julian cooked up.

I have absolutely no trouble believing this is is the Canadian Skynet.

if canada was to do such a thing, this robot spy looks EXACTLY what i envision a robot spy from canada to look like

Yeah, y’all could learn a thing or two from our freedom. Feel free to spy on that.