
“‘You guys suck.’ You can input any expletive you like there. Threats all the time, threats like, ‘I’m gonna sue you if you don’t re-enable my account’. . . ‘Kill yourself.’ We receive that and we wish we’d know why they’re angry. We’d try to solve their problem.”

Wealth is a concept.

Yes, we can. Humans define corporations and such concepts as wealth. We’re fully in control of what we allow as a society. It’s all concepts we think of. Corporations didn’t exist in the past, they do now, and they may not in the future. Don’t be an obtuse idiot.

They sure are obsessed with people they don’t like, eh?

When did you stop commenting and do you know someone has been using your account in your absence?

While the Kinja Deals are kind of a sell-out compared to the hatred the network has for Amazon I find that’s a better way to support GMG than by clicking on ads, even for reputable brands.

GMG doesn’t need to hire opposing views. Plenty of people who hold opposing views turn out to this network of sites in droves to get their hate on.

I also thought Tomato was satire and not “I’m a bored Brietbarter trolling Gawker.”

I am seriously amazed at how many of you hate read shit you can’t tolerate and then wade into the comments to post yet more shit.

Currently that’s how the world works because we allow it to operate in said fashion. We could change that.

I came to Gizmodo for the tech. I visited Gawker and rolled my eyes at the cop haters, argued with the race baiters, and sniffed at celebrity gossip. It’s been almost a decade, now. And I grown to learn how ignorance, defensiveness, and fear keeps a large swath of ethnicity in line.

It’s plot writing. Thanos can’t win unless the Heroes act stupid, ergo, they act stupid.

You think you know fashion

No love for the 808?

Ah, but that’s the rub, innit? We ignore them already. LilTay didn’t show up on Jezebel day 1 of her career. So how does continuing to ignore this kind of thing make it go away? It doesn’t.

Just think, every dollar not going into software can be put into hardware and then you can buy a couple peak performance games and just wow out.

False equivalency, Jim.

Whew, I can hardly see through the pretentiousness and self-importance in here.

Pro-life, yet pro-death penalty. Seems to be a contradiction eh there, Sparky Trump?

Hey, as soon as Muslims and Jews are in the White House I promise you we’ll have delightful scathing attacks on them. But until we’re punching UP at them we’ll be busy over here taking shots at the people running the country in their image.