
I would remove Recognista from that list and add Log Horizon Season 2. But that's just me.

Plus the actual plot make no sense, things happen seemingly at random with no logic behind them or tying the event together, one episode there in a space elevator (for unknown reason) the next there back on the ground and we still haven't learn why they went up there (with a bunch of cheerleader for some reason). It's

psycho pass is very underrated for what it is: a damn good cyberpunk anime. It's also interesting to root for people working in the system instead of outside of it.

Recognista is awful! Gundam Build Fighters Try on the other hand, surprisingly manages to be better than the already amazing Gundam Build Fighters!

I strongly disagree with the inclusion of reconguista. That show is almost new levels of low in the franchise. The dialogue is at an all time low, the characters aren't quirky, they're dumb. The onky thing that anime has going for it is the pretty art, but it is ruined by an even worst mecha design than Age

It's also all in the voice. I can still hear the voice actor from the 90's cartoon show saying: "I am as far beyond mutants as they are beyond you" and "!"

This brings up one of the biggest complaints I hear from critics of modern navies.

"Ships aren't survivable anymore. They don't build them like they used to."

Well here you are folks. A "old school" ship designed and built to "take a hit and keep on fighting". This ship would be OUT of the fight after a hit like this.

I still say it should be redone as TV-series, but a better one. Lots of the stuff in the book only works on paper anyway and can be cut. If you look at the story you see that it is, despite its scope, rather intimate. One might be willing to wait a week to see how a relationship between two characters develops in a

I read most of the exchange in their voices.

I don't know why, but I thought we were going to go into Mitchell and Webb "Are we the baddies" dialogue with this. You completely subverted my expectation.

That player character must have the Iron Bottom perk or something, 'cause that bull guy is huge.

That was very tastefully done. Very sweet. And about as realistic as a fantasy sexual encounter could be, I imagine. Good on you, Bioware.

You should have used the opportunity to ask random women if they had an extra pad to spare.

The obligatory guy with the popped collar tells you that this story was written idiot, but I can't determine if it was a man or woman.

Can someone explain to me why AI is a threat? Sometimes I think it is a myth—or a better way to put it—a fear perpetrated by movies and television. I’m curious on learning more about this by actual computer scientist and experts in the field.

I like the cut of his jib. I say we trust him.

That's all I really need to know about this clown. Hopefulfly she divorces him and bleeds him dry.

"I can't believe I let a guy named 'Afroduck' come inside of me.." —Mrs. Afroduck—

Love will solve everything. In fact love is a physical phenomenon that can change the nature of reality. Also, metaphysics and physics are the same thing, because they both end in "physics." HULK ANGRY WITH BULLSHIT WOO COP-OUT TROPE.