
On a related note, I don't know why Gawker doesn't have a mobile app yet.

Oh my god! It's Generic Saiyan Amalgamation!!! He's my FAVE!!!

Its a sad state of affairs when a sarcastic joke has to include a disclaimer so people don't get all up in arms. :/

Disgruntled over service or lack of super supposedly glorious ultra hi raz 1080 vs 900p?

I'll give MS this, when I lost my job and had to cancel my gold sub, they gave me 3 months of free service. Sony, MS, and Nintendo all have their faults, but i'm sure you could try to do something a bit more productive with your

Green States are filled with idiots. Blue States are filled with morons. Yellowish states went full retard.

A lot of weird kids like you. It's sad.

This is why Sony fanboys are the worst. It doesn't matter whether the Playstation is doing good or bad, you will take any opportunity to shit on the competition.

It's fun to read articles before trying to understand them

Why? It's a great system with great games.

I'm a complete cynic but I really believe that if the company was doing ok financially, he'd still be employed. He has been a pervy ass from the beginning. I'm not complaining that he's been fired, I just am doubtful that it wasn't primarily financially motivated.

But alas, it still gets posted on the Kotaku front page.

Not worth it's own article imo. In the future when writing posts like this, I'd advise at least a compilation of humorous reviews for a specific game, rather than just one cute one.

The problem is, it's NOT dying! People vote for Tea Partiers. I have employees and family members who think like this. I probably have friends who wrote letters like that, although over the years I have weeded out anyone who actually says shit like that in front of me. The religious conservative hate-fest keeps

There is probably some aspect of your life you should be worrying about more than commenting here.

I really wish the government would get out of sports by not forcing the Redskins to change their name, but also stay involved in sports by keeping gay people out.

You are not allowed to read manga anymore. wtf were you reading anyways?

What do you mean about that second sentence? Microsoft has been consistently updating the XB1 since release (at least one a month) adding in community requested features and features they said would eventually be coming. This month's added external HDD support and next month's looks like it'll add some nice things.

My bet is there is going to be more comments saying Lotus did good with firing this guy than not. Jalop commenters are maybe a rung above Kotaku commenters, but not by much so this should be interesting!