
Come on, be fair!

The only reason my computer would weep is because of the ending. Hey-oh!

Yeah I tried Monster, really enjoyed the music and story but as you said - too many tangents, got bored and then dropped it. Read spoilers online, that ending - lame?

I've been trying to get into anime this last year, but there hasn't been anything good. Can someone recommend a recent, mature and engaging series? I love Ghost in the Shell, Cowboy Bebop and Black Lagoon, however most new series seem to only exist for the purpose of fanservice :(

Umm I dont remember ancient Egyptians as having gigantic butts.

To each their own, but I didn't think black women when I saw it.

I for one am just glad that there are no ancient egyptians around so we can all be spared the jezebel outrage article (that writes itself) on the cultural appropriation of ankhs and sphinxes and what not.

I think you're reaching.

Then delayed until March 2017.

Does anyone still fall for these early game footage videos? Don't encourage them Patricia!

His face...

Commenter-X thinks he knows the truth, what happens next will shock you.

And this, right here, is why I'm glad you write for Kotaku. The comments here prove it: we need more progressive voices in video games like you.

I certainly wasn't ever forced to play Fire Emblem games. I happen to love that kind of game. When I'm playing a game like that, where there are romantic relationships, and there CANNOT be homosexual relationships, I feel left out, and emotionally hurt. It makes me feel like I'm less valuable as a human being (in some

There are other gaming websites (such as "IGN") where you don't have to read about gender & sexuality issues.

It's a huge part of the game, unfortunately.

Hernandez is a game journalist, it is her job to play and write about games. Is your argument here really that she shouldn't have done her job in this instance simply because no one was forcing her to do it? I think Totilo would have something to say about that, but even if it weren't her job, it's absolutely

I'm reviewing the game. So it's literally my job to do this, and in doing so, will hopefully inform people who might care about this. They in turn can seek out other games that might fit their needs better, if so they wish.

I don't understand the underlying logic for Rose's Libertarianism. "My mom's life was very difficult and she didn't die, so EVERYONE'S should be difficult, because I can't bear the idea of anyone having an easier life than my mom."