
The amount of pedo apologists in this thread is not shocking.

Jezebel, after all.

Found the pedo.

Question - Do you sweat when you eat?

I bet you sweat when you eat.


Most intelligent people don’t.

People of all races commit crimes, racist.

Oh look, you’re doing EXACTLY what the terrorists manifesto wanted you to do.

Way to be a fucking Muppet.


I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or you’re just actually this stupid.

Way to do EXACTLY what he said he wanted you to do in his manifesto.

Way to do EXACTLY what he said he wanted you to do in his manifesto.

Read his manifesto.

Dude is nuttier than squirrel shit.

You mean like that crypt keeper looking black grandma did the same? Or when BLM or PANTIFA do the same?

Turnabout is fair play, dip shit.

Found the mental midget that still buys Apple products.

“Ok, try not too look like you’re sketchy as fuck”

People actually watched that?


Not shocked.

I was going to ask what a Lahey is but then I remembered I don’t care.

You are not important, therefore your opinion is meaningless. 

You couldn’t afford me.

Portland, like NYC, Shit Francisco, and Shitcago is a shit hole.

No one with at least a basic education cares.