
“Elliot” ( Robert Baptiste ) was so pissed when I doxed him last year he had Twitter ban one of my accounts.

LMAO, this is why I make 6 figures and you struggle to buy Ramen.

LMAO he looks dumber than Bug Eyes McGee.

Good, it’s time we flush the anti-science folks along with the perpetually triggered by everything Art Majors.

No, because I don’t care.

Found the mental midget that still buys Apple products.

Found the mental midget that still buys Apple products.

Found the mental midget that still buys Apple products.

Anyone dumb enough to buy an Apple product probably has a lot of regrets in their day to day life.

Shit this looks bad.

Thug acts like thug, shocking no one with a basic education.

LMAO, more shit that will amount to him not being impeached.

Ya’ll are goofy as hell.

Whatever you say, please don’t mug me. :(

LMAO, that thing is actually trying to run for President?

Looks like another win for Trump is in the future.

It’s the UK, this should shock no one.

Place has turned into a Muslim shit hole.

Fuck you even type like you’re fat.

LMAO, now using the term “young lady” is bible thumping and misogynist?

This is why no one ever wants to fuck any of you chicks. 

Get back to collecting welfare and robbing liqueur stores.

I think that you forgot one important thing.

The Root is Stormfront for “people of color”.

You managed to make this racist.

I mean I’m not shocked because you’re one of the most racist people under the Univision umbrella... but it’s pretty pathetic even for you.