
For practical purposes, deferring to the police and giving them "respect" is a good way to avoid that ticket. But in the grand scheme of things, theoretical rights that you can't in-practice exercise, for fear of retaliation by the state, are no rights at all. So continue to keep your mouth shut, and comply with their

There is the one video of the one phone that kind of works as a gun. Not a single one has ever been used in the united states. Not a single one has ever been found in the USA and that one is the only one to ever exist if it survived even that test fire. This is just a smoke screen because cops don't like being

Yeah....... no offense, but phones have changed since then. Considering an iPhone is thinner than a 22 caliber bullet, I'm pretty sure that it's *impossible* to disguise a gun like a modern phone.

What, exactly is your problem? Do you trust every officer implicitly? Do you just ignore the daily stories of police misconduct? Just because there are some honest cops does not mean there are no dishonest ones.

You don't need to be perfect, you just need to do your job properly.

That's a fair way to look at it. But given how many times I've seen cops physically threaten people on camera just for having the camera on, I'm not inclined to give any leeway to the cop here.

So you are exercising your first amendment rights by not only infringing on the first amendment rights of another, but also harassing and attacking the other party...I submit to you that you need to do more research on the first amendment and how to properly exercise the right, as you are ignorant to the true meaning

"If that was the case, anyone could be charged with anything." Exactly this

Out of all the things on a bicycle that could turn out to be a gun, an iPhone is the least probable. It's ludicrous. Probably he or one of his colleagues made that up to excuse all kinds of bullshit police behaviour.

Nope, just trying to explain the law to you. Never recorded an officer in my life because I rarely have run-ins with authority. I work hard to keep it that way. Also I'm not an idiot.

Please, choke to death on your own stupidity.

That's not why he was arrested (or charged) at all and you know that. Let's not be stupid about this. He should have received at most a ticket. Filming an officer is not illegal. End of story.

You look like the idiot to me. You're saying don't exercise your rights because a guy may have had a bad night's sleep. That screams rabid moron to me.

I agree; recording a public interaction with a public servant is just so goddamned disrespectful.

Wow. You suck up to them pigs

No...there is no "perspective" with the law. The law is the law. It doesn't change based on "how you look at it" or how the guy felt when he rolled out of bed that day. This man did nothing wrong and this officer broke the law by treating him in this way. Don't want to get recorded at work? Then maybe don't do

Any cop that is so stupid as to believe that anyone could shoot a bullet out of an iPhone camera lens needs to be fired on the spot. Even specialty, tiny caliber ammunition like 2.34 mm rounds wouldn't fit in the depth of an iPhone with any sort of firing mechanism behind it. That's the smallest round made and it's as

You must be really dense not to understand that people whip out their phones to record their conversation with the police. Case in point, the guy ran a red light and just used his phone to record the conversation for possible future evidence and he was charged with resisting arrest, obstruction of justice, and

What was he going to record? Pretty much, any damned thing he wants to record.

It doesn't matter what he was going to record. The point is, he has the right to record.

A police officer violating your rights?