
Why is no one reporting on how broken this game is? 

This comment right here deserves all of the stars

But we knew this. We all knew this. He didn’t try to hide that fact, and he didn’t deny that fact.

“With all the women it’s the same: He denies it, he turns it around, he attacks, and he threatens — and then everybody forgets it until the next woman comes along,”

Knowing that my dad agrees with everything Trump does and says, I wish I would have known that repeating a lie over and over again would absolve me of any wrongdoing growing up.

“America, the birth place of liberty”

This guy looks like an extra from a Rob Zombie film. 

The backhand comments give it away. I was not explicitly fired for being pregnant; however, I was beginning to show around the time of annual bonus. I was explicitly told for months I would get a bonus and it was always understood to be a large part of compensation (law firm). The owner of the firm kept putting off my

Here, in Cleveland, Anthony Sowell stalked and killed black women, got away with the deeds for decades. He got away with the racial loophole that nobody would give a damn about a troubled black woman, outside of her immediate family, if she went missing.

Comic sans. WhatisthisIcan’teven.

The U.s. Is Now Betraying the Kurds for the Eighth Time”

Can you hear me in the back?

Seriously, this is horrifying in the extreme. The US is now officially a rogue state. Christ.

Just change the’ll be fine.

Ohio checkin’ in...

“ my great and unmatched wisdom...”

“I, in my great and unmatched wisdom...”

tbh i doubt they’ll even hear about it

Before Trump I wouldn’t have believed it possible that a President could display such idiotic incompetence that he could, against all odds, somehow make withdrawing troops from the never ending quagmire of the Middle East into a bad thing.

I’m sure the million ethnic Muslim Ugyhurs residing in the Xinjiang re-education camps will be happy to hear about the NBA’s commitment to Chinese fans as they assemble for their 5 a.m. re-education seminar. It will make their morning rice gruel taste so much sweeter.