
white guy, duhhhhh.

that is some depressing shit.


came here looking for good guy with gun reference. was not disappointed.

since alot of new borns are getting into new cars.

how has your comment not garnered more stars.

the second one had horrible loading in the most annoying areas.


holy hell.

more stars for this.

fuck dis bitch, straight up.

lololololololol. star.

thankyou for this knowledge (canadian)

guns are needed for hunting, and hunting alone. outside of that everyone is safer not having guns, even for self protection.

ā€œIā€™m a conservative today not because I was born one, but because of the experience I earned as a Marine in combat, my experience as a husband and father, my choice to be a Christian, the schools I chose to attend and the decision to pursue the career that I have,ā€

that is seriously messed up, thankgod he at least warned them of his intrusion with the gunshot. had he been more sneaky..... horrific.

lol wut..

came here to post the same thing.

so reminded of Gran Turismo 1

35$ for a Hue Gweener