
this is very disturbing to someone who has put in as much time as i have leveling each hero to learn how they function, but mostly just to have the heros leveled.



more stars for this comment, and more action on it!

fuck, thank god i dont live in that country. what a mess, the world is looking at you and shaking their head.

half of our atm fleet is a korean brand. they LOVE to use cute pictures for just about everything.

other then a wife abuser of course.

why must people always reference the holocaust as their comparative? everything is, thats just like the Nazis!

i agree completely.

lololol. this possibly story makes me giggle.

news flash.. trump lies!

throws out the pitch in a yankees game like a champ. not even his native home state.

ICE = the new american SS

its all sales propoganda created by the marketing team at Smith and Weston or whatver the fuck that brand is called.

worse is, this little white skank put up one fist to argue back, then quickly dropped it and laughed along with the rest of them. fucking cunt.

at 2:29, we have an example of probably the closest things to what you might want when viewing Jupiter.

that guy needs to go to jail.


thats where i had to stop reading also.

for a long time, ive wondered what the hell reporters ask such stupid and direct questions for.