Yeah, the comment you’re replying to was uncalled for even if you are a secret teenager, which would make me a SUPER secret teenager for indulging my frustration in such an adolescent way. Sorry I was a dick.
Yeah, the comment you’re replying to was uncalled for even if you are a secret teenager, which would make me a SUPER secret teenager for indulging my frustration in such an adolescent way. Sorry I was a dick.
Even though she's off-base, I don't think the OP deserves to be called an idiot.
Or The Stone Gods by Jeanette Winterson.
Not necessarily. There are so many people who think that everyone has equal access to K-12 education in this country. I'm from this area, and I don't see it as "backwards." I see it as a place that a criminally negligent government dicked over.
Nope, ladies love beer, too.
I know a few attorneys and none have had the pleasure of representing people in equal (*cough* civil *cough*) rights cases. Also, none of them are secretly teenagers who conflate expulsion with criminal prosecution.
What this argument boils down to is that if people of color don’t want to deal with verbal abuse at school, they should not visit campuses that are somehow known to be racist. I think the idea is ill-conceived, as well as an inefficient way of dealing with racial equality.