Bango Skank Was Here

I'd read that!

These are sad times we live in, sad times indeed.

It's because fat people are gross. For the record, I'm fat (ie. gross) :(

"...infinitely betters specs," I would listen to this guy, he seems to know what he's talking about :/

I don't get why this was posted? It wasn't that horrible of an explanation, especially if she was just put on the spot. I say dumber things on a daily basis.

The only terrorists that are winning are those that promote illiteracy. I blame the people who create LOLCAT memes and people like you who type dumb things in "cute" ways: the Tearrists has wonned. GOD I HATE THE INTERNET!

And you think searching people based on race/nationality is a better option? You sound real dumb right now.

What's with that name?

It must suck to be poor and petty...

I have the current gen Mac Pro (Westmere) and it's quiet. Pretty much the only fan that makes noise is the graphics card, but that was an aftermarket upgrade and my OS drive is a SSD. You can control the fans with third party software, might be something you might want to look into.

FCP will cause your Mac to die, really? The only time mine ever freezes/closes program is when I try to edit a deliverable video format (H264, MPEG, etc.), but when you have to sync video to external audio to output to an editable format (ProRess, Uncompressed, etc.) you know its going to happen continually, so I just

Because of your poor grammar, Apple has decided that we aren't mature enough for Magsafe connections. You ruined it for everybody (both the English language and docking connection)!

I know the feeling. It's one of those movies that you hate the first go around, but the more times you watch it, the better it gets. Like one of my favorite movies, Vanilla Sky. I absolutely hated it the first time watching it (I didn't even finish it), but now it's one of my, "I hate my life, so lets watch a movie to

I tried watching Time Bandits for the first time a few weeks ago and I couldn't finish it in one sitting and I love those type of movies - made for a kid, but can be enjoyed by all.

I completely agree about the soundtrack (and I personally loved the movie), I actually have Eddie Vedder - Society as my ringtone and yes, I realize the irony of using that song as a ringtone ;)

I just re-watched Contact a few weeks ago and I thought it was really good, even better then I remembered. Of course, I originally saw it years ago.

I'm guessing it's because you type like that (see above) and need to read a book instead of watching movies.

If I'm going to listen to anyone about weight lifting, it would be the meatheads. Then after they give you free pointers, you could then ask them which local stores are having a sale on Axe Body Spray and Ed Hardy or Tap Out shirts ;)

He told the cashier that he wants it "My Way" or he was going to "Let It Burn." She then "Got It Bad" and said "Yeah."

Ummm, do you even know what Jay-Z looks like? (Hint: like every other black person - BAZINGA!)