
You must be a ton of fun to be around.

Diana has tunnel vision - it makes the site a lot worse, and it hurts this cause she thinks she’s a crusader for.

It was dismissed.


There’s one chapter on race and IQ in that book. It’s about cognitive ability across all of society. Though, unsurprisingly for a Giz comment section I guess, you throw in the Nazi ref. I’ll tell you what - if you can demonstrate that my point is untrue with adult conversation instead of Wikipedia pot-shots, I’ll

Is it failing?

No he’s not - stop imagining things. He does a (nearly) daily appearance on Tony Kornheiser’s podcast and is anything but.

No one who’s been in the space for 6 months or more is worried about the SEC. It’s a good move.

Hot Take incoming:

I wish I could save comments so I could come hand out “told you so” en masse later on.


None of these writers have a fucking clue.

You can’t reason with these people. They missed the boat the first time, and now that the boat is back at port with photos of the island it’s headed to, they’re still willing to miss it again.

No Coiners till the end.

You watched it as someone hoping your missed opportunity would turn into the same thing for those who took the risk in BTc/Crypto.

Don’t be so salty - Lombardi is infinitely more successful than anyone at Deadspin.


CME wants to have a word with you re: regulation.

The NFL is going to be no more in 15-20 years.

This article is exactly why I’ll continue to run my adblocker. This is garbage.