I think that writer’s interpretation of the working class lifestyle says more about them than it does Biden.
The media could start “bridging the divide” by refuting the “divulging political opinions” not based on facts or grounded in reality. How about we start by insisting on unity with reality? There are no both sides to Qanon because Qanon doesn’t exist. There are no both sides to election fraud because President Biden…
Getting elected once and impeached twice is quite an accomplishment, you got to admit.
You put “not exist” in quotes like it’s a thing i said, which it isn’t.
I don’t know - it feels like one of the major problems we have (beyond Tech companies only doing the right thing when it’s safe or financially advantageous, even not enforcing their own policies to do so) is that there is a huge epidemic of bad-faith argumentation on the Right that we don’t treat as bad faith.
“Be careful what you wish for.”
They don’t want a trial in the Senate because they would have to go on record as to whether to convict or acquit him a second time. They’re only worried about their miserable skins.
Kevin McCarthy says that Trump acknowledges his responsibility for the riot. Trump says nope, his speech was perfect.
Two weeks ago, these same people now calling for “unity” and “healing” would have said anyone who said they were worried about exactly what ended up happening happening had Trump Derangement Syndrome.
Did they even know he’s not home? They probably didn’t check his calendar before going over there. Even if they did, who cares? I don’t see anything here that can be fairly described as an “intimidation tactic” here, even if he wasn’t home. They stood outside of his house for awhile with signs, chanted some things,…
How would any protestor know whether he is at home or not?
“at the end of the 30-minute action, they propped up some signs against a tree, left some candles, and thanked the police officers who were there.”
owner of the most punchable face in all of Congress
51 days - how long it took Republicans to ram through tax breaks for the rich & corporations in 2017.
30 days - how long it took Republicans to rush Amy Coney Barrett onto the Supreme Court.
219 days - how long the Republicans have been sitting on the relief package passed by the Democrat-majority House of…
This makes me so angry. My employer is going above and beyond, in that we’re getting fully paid for quarantine while we
implies objective truths where there are none
They say the left plays purity politics, but this is ridiculous. Because what it takes to be a Republican in good standing right now is a 100% commitment to never so much as admitting the possibility that an inconvenient, objectively true fact, might actually be true. An unquestioning willingness to live in a false…
She is literally being asked to get the hell out of Dodge, just for telling people to wear a piece of fabric on their face when in public. Wow.