
Taxable income is not the same as income. Dudes dad still makes money, he's just not taxed on it.

“It seems to me reckless to be pushing people to take risks when you don’t know what the risks are,” Dr. Orient said, adding: “People’s rights should be respected. Where is ‘my body, my choice’ when it comes to this?”

Or, the winning move is to simply not peddle in stupid bullshit like anti-vax material during a pandemic. 

This bitch damn well knew these kids. She was just sick and tired of seeing ‘other’ folk enjoying their lives while hers was sucking due to her own damn fault. She decided to go instigate some trouble by threatening children with a deadly weapon so everyone around would have to respect her. Then she could feel good

This made me so mad. It was ruled in the guise of “freedom of religion.” I thought freedom of religion meant that you couldn’t be persecuted, jailed, or shot for practicing your religion, not that you had to gather in 100's in one room during a pandemic so you could infect 1000's of others. What about other people’s

At least she finally did her duty to her country instead tying up government business out of misplaced loyalty to a dude who would throw her under the bus, back it up, and drive over her again without a second thought.

One of those communities is routinely murdered. God forbid John Cleese gets some backlash on Twitter.

He lamented that being against gay marriage is now a sign that one is an asshole. “Until very recently, that’s what the vast majority of Americans thought,” Alito said. “Now it’s considered bigotry.”

He lamented that being against gay marriage is now a sign that one is an asshole."

Alito also complained that members of the Federalist Society “face harassment and retaliation if they say anything that departs from the law school orthodoxy.” This is nonsense. The Federalist Society is the single most powerful legal society in America, and I don’t think it’s even close. When President Trump released

If only liberals had the extremists the Right so wants us to have.

“Americans have the right to gather under the First Amendment to hear from the President of the United States,” said spokesperson Courtney Parella.

And there it is. I hope everyone who didn’t vote for Hillary because of their stupid fucking principles sees what happens when you purity test yourself into oblivion. Oh? She didn’t inspire you? Maybe losing your health insurance will inspire you.

Mitch McConnell won the war. His eyes were on the prize and he knew exactly what to do to get there. While so many people made excuses for why a woman could not be president, McConnell seized every opportunity to establish the foundations of a Christian theocracy in the United States. Every vote counts.

This just in: a crime isn’t a crime if the Other does something worse. Film at eleven.

I'm sure it crosses their mind right away, but the whole schtick for right wing trolls is to feign ignorance and then act indignant when called out for their assholery. "It's your fault you got offended when I insulted you to your face!" Never forget that playing pretend is the biggest thing these people do. 

“Gosh, if you care so much about your party and have to yell at some random dude who broke in, it’s stupid. You can’t just eat around it? It’s your fault you didn’t buy more locks for your back door. Why are you so easily offended?”

I for one am just shocked to find out that yet another conservative is a sociopathic shit that represents the worst of humanity.

I’m just so extremely surprised. How can this POSSIBLY keep happening? How can we keep getting confirmation of that fact? It’s just boggles the mind I tell you!

If you care about a game and are willing to go and spam dislike some random dude on the internet because you cant play it for 3 minutes, it’s stupid.