
You can’t claim to be tolerant while being intolerant.

Guy on the internet who defends awful positions tries the “yOu DoN’t KnO mY LyFe” defense. Novel!

Literally no one’s “writing him off.” He lost an informal “worst Chris” poll, but so far as I can tell he remains an internationally famous movie star. I can’t wait for people to learn how to tell the difference between a public stoning and what looks to me like some justified criticism mixed in with general light

You’re really defending people cheating on their wife? I mean it’s not illegal or anything, but a hardcore christian doing it is EXTREMELY hypocritical. By their book that is entirely immoral.

So is being a member of the KKK just “racial decisionmaking” in your world? The contortions you homophobes have to twist yourselves into to justify your hate must be limb-snapping.

“Tolerant” - this is some bullshit troll talking point. No one is tolerant for republican bullshit and we don’t pretend to be. This is not even about Pratt, just your use of “tolerant” which is something no one pretends to be. Learn a new talking point.

If not being a bigot and a cheater is too high a bar for you to clear, you might not be a decent person.

Decent human beings don’t endorse homophobia. Or cheat on their wives, for that matter.

It’s hilarious that a guy marketing himself and his company as “Cyber Security Experts” is being lead around by the nose by a Russian disinformation operation. And by hilarious I mean profoundly disturbing.

Somehow I imagine her memory of the constitution also gets a little fuzzy when it comes to the “well-regulated militia” part of those gun rights.

It’s just an excuse they use to justify twisting the law to support their regressive beliefs. They don't really mean it, if that helps (it doesn't).

Not only that, but they understood the Constitution could change with the times, so they added the ability to amend it.

“That means that I interpret the Constitution as a law...I understand it to have the meaning that it had at the time people ratified it. That meaning doesn’t change over time and it’s not up to me to update it or infuse my policy views into it,”

What a glorious time to be Mitch McConnell. He can live his most authentic fucking shitty life and doesn’t even have to exert the most minimal effort to hide anything.

I honestly thought we were still in the middle of the first wave because asking Americans to wear a mask, stay home, and socially distance made the Statue of Liberty cry and if we complied, martial law was imminent.

you want “Soc’lisn”

Nothing matches the original blexit. Consider how the GOP changed from the time of Lincoln/Grant and reconstruction to Nixon/Trump. Trump admitted basically barring blacks from his rental properties and bragging about it, he felt it made him more money. While, at the same time, Hillary Clinton was going undercover to

Closing bars and requiring a piece of cloth be worn in public to protect citizens from actually dying = tyranny

Trump gets whatever he wants because he will badger the fuck out of people, whining, threatening, complaining, yelling, and he simply wears people out. I grew up with someone like this, and and it’s upsetting, exhausting, and also horrific.

So go about your day and do something productive aside from bitching.”