
Thank you! Rob’s father, the late great Carl Reiner, also made it clear his fondest wish was to see Trump out of office and actively encouraged people to vote. This family has been advocating for change and justice for decades. Please Harron Walker, do your research and don’t be insulting. know, watching ANY movie he’s ever directed. (This Is Spinal Tap; Stand by Me; A Few Good Men; The American President; When Harry Met Sally; just off the top of my head). I know she’s young, but how does someone miss those movies?

So petty reactionary bigot, announces petty reactionary executive order, because he’d rather be a petty reactionary bigot than do a damn thing about the 200K+ deaths he’s presiding over. Oh well. I guess “it is what it is.”

Hurray!” ~ That guy from the beginning of Outbreak

There exits no movie that HAS to be seen on a big screen.

I know we want to win over 2016 Trump voters and honey works better than salt (or whatever), but if you voted for Trump in 2016 and you claim you didn’t know he was a piece of shit, then you are a liar or monumentally fucking stupid.

It’s weird to hear Trump disrespect those who served in the military after all the other times he’s done it and suffered no consequences.

Portlander here. So these Patriot Prayer dicks have been doing this for years. They’re based across the River in Vancouver, WA. They come into our city to incite violence, then share edited video clips, claiming they’re the victims of ANTIFA violence. They also have very cozy relationships with the Portland Police. 

The thing is Trump isn’t encouraging civil war. At least not on an ideological level. No, that would take some actual strategy, which we know he has no capability for. This is worse. He doesn’t care about any of this. His only interest is in staying in the WH. Doesn’t matter who gets hurt or killed. It only matters

I’ve said it once, and I’ll say it again:

I think that once you start suggesting that you think people not wanting to be murdered by government-sanctioned organizations for the color of their skin could be part of a conspiracy...... you’re opening yourself up to be lumped in with any number of nutters out there.

Jesus CHRIST Ubisoft, what the hell is wrong with you?! I went into this article assuming it would just be a case of them using something a graphic or imagery similar to the raised-fist in a poorly thought out or negative context that somebody should have noticed and scrapped ahead of time. But the fact that the whole

It’s absolutely not your fucking job, you delusional piece of shit. Apparently he used to work as a life guard at the local Y, but even if that’s what he’s referring to, life guards tend to not carry AR-15s as part of the job.

This is people and allies using their privileged positions to enact pressure on governors, mayors, and other people in power/authority to push back against the evil shit going on.

Dude, you are dealing with a known troll. -ALWAYS- check the commenter history before engaging someone who starts out with a bad faith discussion and just goes downhill from there.

Also, I’m sure a lot of those Proud Boys were cop-adjacent assholes.”

Check pastry troll’s post history, their only point is to get a response.

Get used to this. The cops have made it very clear that if they can’t do their jobs poorly they don’t want to do them at all. Also, I’m sure a lot of those Proud Boys were cop-adjacent assholes.

I’ve never expressed support for doing away with the police, and this would be a great example of where the police absolutely should have a role. Not every person commenting on this site has the exact same opinions about every issue, so I don’t really see your point.