
They would have created the law whether protestors walked silently singing slave hymns dressed in their Sunday Best or they came wielding torches and roping up elected officials tarring them (my favorite). The point is this government hates people of color and will make any excuse to kill them. History teaches Riot Act

Did you see his reaction? “I just got banned for posting a picture.” No, you mendacious turd, you got banned for violating a safety rule. Stop trying to act all righteous over your precious free speech rights.

And now a Seal that STILL brags about taking down Bin Laden took a picture of himself mask-less on a Delta flight proudly declaring himself “not a pussy” just got banned from Delta. Sad.

The evolution of Barack Obama over the years mirrors the psychological state of the nation. He has gone from hopeful when setting out in his first term in 2008, to disillusioned from 2012 to 2016 and now he is in a total state of despair. Man’s so fed up his eyes went a little misty during that speech and he looked

This is why I am terrified of Tom Cotton running in 2024. He has self control and can show empathy when needed. Also, he is a true believer and not a conman scamming his way into making money. If Cotton or some one like him is elected, the US will be an authoritarian dictatorship by the summer following the

The best part about that shitshow called The GOP convention is the D List losers they have appearing. I mean these two pieces of butt lint are just the warm up for Ted Nugent, Scott Baio and The My pillow guy. Oh did I mention that the bitch ass pussy teenager with the most punchable face of all time, Nick Sanderman,

Well an intelligent and compassionate government would put laws in place to make sure people are paid and business can stay closed long term until the virus is mitigated.

Still is a big box with no windows.  I’d pass personally

Going to the movies dropped off of its former cherished place in my life years ago - price of concessions, having to put up with other idiots behaviour, lack of licensed facilities where I live, being able to afford a big screen and decent sound system - so I haven’t missed going all that much.

There’s quite a bit of evidence, apparently, that not everyone who contracts COVID-19 produces antibodies to it, and may still be able to be reinfected (and thus be re-infectious) later. We’re still unsure.

I’ve been going to the movies since the age of six and the theatrical experience has been one of the most basic, joyful things in my life. I had the great fortune of going to college during the height of the film guild era and, for years, went to the movies two to three, sometimes four, nights a week. I love the

So I’m struck by two pretty opposing reactions, ya’all.

Fuck off you fucking bootlicker. This is the PR WING of the military doing PR. That means RELATING to the PUBLIC. Kudos to them for actually taking this head-on - sure as shit aren’t seeing any accountability in Lebanon, Belarus, Russia, and on and on and on.

the poor US army soldiers on the stream must feel almost as bad as those pine nut farmers in Afghanistan that they blew up did

What was your favorite white phosphorus war crime?

Cry harder, bootlicker. 

17, right, yea that makes total sense.

They are heinous and prosecuted as such.

he attempted to correct viewers who were criticizing the Army, saying that the Army can’t recruit kids because people have to be at least 17 to enlist. “17 is still a child,” said one person in chat. He went on to say that people should not enlist in the Army because of video games.