
It causes environmental damage such as...lowering property values?

I feel like the fact that most cops and ammosexuals wear those fucking hideous Oakley shades exclusively should be a marker for antisocial personality disorder in the DSM.

That photo is everything that is wrong with policing in this country.

I remember crack as well and I also remember exactly who those “gang” enhancements were targeted toward and it certainly wasn’t toward those who were “importing” the cocaine into the country or anyone who looked like them.

Utah: damage of a public building is a 2nd degree felony.

Something good on paper, doesn’t always mean something good in reality. Given the particulars in how this could play out, it literally solves a problem while creating a hundred more.

Nothing good ever comes from these destructive executive orders. Remember the trade war with China? It has decimated farms in the US and many of them will never bounce back as China looks to other countries for agricultural products.

Homeboy is a bad-faith-troll with no redeeming value and like most trolls is a huge attention whore. You are wasting your time.

Now playing

LOL, meanwhile, here are some cops with functional testicles and brainstems arresting a distraught machete-wielding man without even possessing firearms, let alone using them.

Hopefully the dog makes a full recovery. 

This school year is going to be deadly chaos. I just got back from a Target run and there were a mom and grandmom with kids in tow, a boy around 7 and a girl around 12. Neither of the kids understood what six feet is and the 7 year old had his mask under his chin and was running around and touching everything.

Black women tried to save this fucking country in 2016, they helped restore some sanity to it in 2018 and damn if they aren’t telling white men and the Karen club that shit will be different in 2020. Post a link to where I can buy a Vote Warnock shirt as well. Well done ladies and thank you.

“Cancel culture” is like “fake news” - it means nothing, it’s just a phrase they utter to signal to their fellow travelers that something they don’t like is Of The Left, and therefore a bad thing.

Not just the players are stepping up, the commissioner too. It would have been easy to issue a milquetoast response to Loeffler’s caucasity, but the league made it clear they’re standing with their players and BLM. As far as endorsing her opponent, that’s great. It’s not “cancel culture. It’s individuals using voices/

Boom. There’s your answer... 6:20, the exact moment that Jonathan Swan attempted to commit mental seppuku.

Wait, so his wife tore up a protestor's sign, and that made him understand how one could be a white supremacist? 

Day 0: Make an anti-mask tweet

Death isn’t cool generally speaking. But I’m sorry, my give a damn has been busted. He was too old to know better yet still wanted to Ruckus it out. My neighborhood uncle used to say “Everybody has their time to die. But you dumb young muthafuckas can also rush your own death by being stupid.” Obviously this doesn’t