
Chromecast wouldsupport Prime Video just fine...if Amazon wanted it to.

Forgot to mention that, but yeah. Short period of time, so add them as soon as possible.

Your bank doesn’t have to participate. I doubt mine is. However, any cards you already have in Google Wallet can be added (for a limited time) to work with Android Pay. I added my debit card easy peasy not even two days ago, I’ll be doing the same later today with a few other debit cards from my mom and sibling (since

Flew over my head. Saw this just after lunch and clearly was still in “food, mmm” mode. Apologies.

That would only happen if it was diluted with a small amount of water. The more water used the more diluted it becomes and thus less powerful each hit any given individual would have taken.

Not if you remember to use it! I have 1 TB of Google Drive space, I use it for the essentials. Various books, movies, albums, etc. I want to have access to 24/7/365 any place I am. I do have copies of all those things on my various computers and hard drives and devices though. Redundancy never hurts.

Not if you remember to use it! I have 1 TB of Google Drive space, I use it for the essentials. Various books,

Well, ignore the microSD form factor and just look at the storage. That’s the argument I’ve made for one for friends of mine who have Chromebooks. Throw it in the appropriate SD card adapter and it’s basically a 128 GB SD card. At that price better to pick it up and not need it than need it and have to shell out a bit

Well, ignore the microSD form factor and just look at the storage. That’s the argument I’ve made for one for friends

Now playing

Just to make it attach itself to everyone else’s ears and heads for the remainder of the day, if not weekend.

Well, I don’t place too much stock in most reviews. Outside of Ars Technica, AnandTech, and Android Police I pretty much take all other reviews with a grain of salt.

Well, I don’t place too much stock in most reviews. Outside of Ars Technica, AnandTech, and Android Police I pretty

With it being that cheap, I truly doubt the phone will be bad enough that I’ll regret my decision.

With it being that cheap, I truly doubt the phone will be bad enough that I’ll regret my decision.

Yeah, if you already have Prime then it’s kind of a gip still. As someone who gave up Prime but is slowly starting to order from Amazon again I am very tempted.

Yeah, if you already have Prime then it’s kind of a gip still. As someone who gave up Prime but is slowly starting

For those who like the hardware but not the software there’s a few things worth knowing.

For those who like the hardware but not the software there’s a few things worth knowing.

it’s completely broken in Lollipop due to changes in the notification system

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Andres Cantor is the man! Also, any Spanish speaking soccer announcer, any single one at all, is loads more entertaining to listen to than any English counterpart. Everything they say sounds much more exciting. And they can do that with any sport! Example below.

This is such an interesting read, especially since you went in after my father did and got out slightly before he did.

Honestly, I prefer stock Android in general, but I didn't find the LG skin at all annoying or anything like that. It's there but it's not as in your face as TouchWiz or Sense is. (For what it's worth, thanks to work I've basically used every flagship phone made in the past three years. So I've used the various Samsung

I'd recommend the LG G3 over the Nexus 5 for you. I played with one for awhile at work and am due to take delivery of one hopefully this afternoon to replace the one my boss originally bought. Also a friend picked one up recently and he's liking it so far.

I had the Moto X 2013 model since it came out, before upgrading to the 2nd Gen. model. I absolutely loved that phone, the features that the Moto X offers are hands down better than anything else thrown on any other device. Active Display, Touchless Control, etc. You honestly won't want to use any other phone that

Ha. I'm the person who nominated this app for "best desktop comic book reader" awhile back after using the Android app and realizing it worked with Chrome too thanks to an extension.

I've discussed Marvel Unlimited with umataro42 elsewhere and I was thinking of picking it up this weekend mostly because of the Android app, I am so glad you mentioned the issues though. I suppose I'll hold off a bit longer for them to get onto fixing it.