Where I'm from you'd be surprised by how many people lack that "survival instinct". Every day I see people cut off 18-wheelers and not by much kind you and THEN brake right after doing so.
Where I'm from you'd be surprised by how many people lack that "survival instinct". Every day I see people cut off 18-wheelers and not by much kind you and THEN brake right after doing so.
It's almost sad that someone has to explain this. I thought it was common knowledge. Then again I grew up in a family of truck drivers and live in an area where so many trucks pass through on a daily basis that I saw exactly what's spoken of (as far as blow outs) pretty regularly on the expressway.
Sounds about right. Every time something that redeems my faith in humanity comes along, here comes something else to basically say, "Nope. That was a fluke. We'll make up for that mistake post haste."
Lol. Sweet! But dang, I wanted to end the convo with, "Go, Joe!" Oh well, I suppose you beating me to it is acceptable.
Ah, I should've added that price is no consideration. If it has a decent mic/button setup on it and/or Bluetooth then I'm game. I've spent quite a bit on complete junk already.
Hey Alan, those RHA MA150s, have any suggestions for something similar but with a mic/buttons on it to answer calls? Or maybe something similar but that's Bluetooth?
And knowing is half the battle!
4 gigs of RAM being half used up just by Win 7, Outlook and Chrome (4 tabs open)? That sounds very odd to me. Do you have a ton of extensions installed and running in Chrome or something?
Yeah, it's not in the description. You have to go into the app itself and then you'll see it mentioning root in one of the settings menus. Like I said though, mentions it specifically for the S3 (and possibly something else).
It can require root, but that's more to address device specific limitations if memory serves me correctly. Notable on the S3 I believe.
Well, you can. But it depends on what you mean by upgrade. Do you mean to the official and latest Samsung skinned version of the OS? Or do you mean upgrade to a stock version of Android, potentially even Kit Kat?
"This one was banned from Music Television, because you could see my junk through my jumpsuit."
"This one was banned from Music Television, because you could see my junk through my jumpsuit."
Ugh. I seriously hate HP. I know a lot of people default to the "But it's HP, I know who they are, thus they're good". No, no they're not and their freaking Tech Support is the absolute worst. I was on the line one time for almost 2 hours being transferred from one person to another back to the first one and so on and…
Same here. At work I got them to switch away from HPs to nothing but ASUS, with the occasional Lenovo thrown in. No issues at all since I instituted the "no HP on my freaking watch" policy. Being the IT person for the company has its perks, especially when I can avoid giving any money to HP.
They do it partially based on claims done by people with them.
surespot does similar on Android. Just FYI.
Well, I got some great news for you in that case. You're getting the update starting today according to Android Central.
That's weird. I'll need to test it on someone else's devices and see how it does. The only time Chrome lags for me is on my work desktop and then only cause I'm running a portable version from a USB flash drive.