
Am I the only one who has never had an issue with Chrome on Android? I see people say it lags but I've never experienced it myself. Then again I have an N4 now running Kit Kat, so maybe I just chose a great device to use it on. But neither of my N7s (2012 and 2013) have Chrome lag.

Aww. Lol. I have a Nexus 4, so I'm on stock (but rooted) 4.4. : )

You could always revoke the permissions you don't think it needs using App Ops (which is hidden but easy enough to find in stock Android) or something like XPrivacy. I've personally used both randomly for apps that I really wanted on my devices but that were asking for permissions I didn't think they needed.

You win the internets today. Everyone take the rest of the day off.

Yeah, CM is definitely available for your device. Just checked here, you'd definitely want the stable version for sure.

THIS. The cable being used tends to be the biggest issue with flashing stuff to phones. I also always recommend non-stock cables. Anything decent you can get from anyone but the OEM will almost always work and last longer while working.

If you root, be sure to look into the Xposed Framework and XPrivacy. Allows you to do the same thing. Heck, you can just root a stock ROM and install both and you're good to go.

I had for awhile on my Nexus 7 (2012) when it came out. I switched back to stock Android though, because I honestly prefer stock. Although I switched to a de-odexed version, just to be able to customize things to my choosing.

Okay, there's a reason for that. Most of the time Google does staged rollouts. Meaning you're up to date, but you're likely not one of the lucky people who got the actual latest version.

What phone do you have? And with what carrier? Also, rooted, unroofed, stock, custom ROM, etc?

Alright, I can dig that. I have but one request though. Can you at least wait to unleash your plague of locusts until they have released the 4.4 factory image for the Nexus 4? I'd kind of like to get my official stock Kit Kat on before you destroy everything. : )

Nope. SMS/MMS messages do not appear in the Hangouts app in Chrome. Only regular Hangouts messages appear there.

Ah, good question. Unfortunately, the answer is "no". There is not a separate notification icon/sound to differentiate between whether the incoming message is a standard Hangouts message or an SMS/MMS one received through the app.

Was going to post this as a reply to someone in particular, but figured I'd just throw it out there for everyone to see.

Patience, young grasshopper. This is part of Google's efforts to spin the important bits of Android out of Android and into a much more easy to maintain (and thereby) update version through the Play Store.

Agreed. Then again, some of the most dangerous people I've ever read about had absolutely no good ideas. It goes both ways. Sometimes even idiots get lucky.

He was also the first person to start an anti-smoking/"smoking is bad for you" campaign. Read something about that awhile back. Even "evil" (put that in quotes because what constitutes good and evil is always entirely subjective) people can have their good sides.

I personally like the one that's often attributed to him, but I haven't been able to find an actual source for it.

Yeah, that may be so, but if you can install a custom recovery then the hard part is done.

Well, glad to be of some help. That list of steps though was solely if you want to keep your old ROM and move stuff to the new ROM.