I'm doing the PCH this year or next (haven't nailed down plans, yet), and it's admittedly shorter, but I'm going to drive a convertible and stop at every cheesy place along the way and it's going to be great.
I'm doing the PCH this year or next (haven't nailed down plans, yet), and it's admittedly shorter, but I'm going to drive a convertible and stop at every cheesy place along the way and it's going to be great.
My best friend and I did LA —> DC via the deep south. I think that trip saved my life; the day before flying out to meet her (I was helping her drive her stuff from college back home after she graduated) I was at such a low point I almost didn't go. A friend had died and the love of my life had shattered my heart in…
If you can ever make the drive all the way to the west coast it is sooooo sooooo worth it. To finally see the ocean after all that desert is unbelievable. Everyone who can should drive across the country once.
Planned on doing route 66 with my Dad once he got his 1969 mustang finished. He passed away almost two years ago. Finishing the car and taking that trip solo is going to be brutal.
Everyone deserves that one perfect moment in their life. It's the one you miss and reflect on when you are at your lowest. Unfortunately, moments like that are fleeting. It's like a sun behind the clouds. You will never feel that warmth on your skin again.
I love spending long stretches of time with the asphalt splayed out in front of me, the window rolled down, the…
It’s impossible to love Jackie Peyton; but then it’s impossible to hate her, too. And unlike many characters on…
A pool party without the Black Eyed Peas sounds a trillion gajillion times more fun than a pool party with the Black Eyed Peas. I never go to parties unless I can get assurance, in writing, from at least three people, that none of the Black Eyed Peas will be there.
So basically, actually posting the pictures didn’t get him in any trouble, it was the extortion racket he was running on the side that got him charged.
I swallow my pride, drop to the floor, and with every last ounce of will power shimy under the door
Or perhaps not eating rest stop sandwiches.
Worst place I ever got sick was camping in the Sierra Mountains with my family. After a week of camping, on our last night, I was struck with a really nasty stomach bug. We had spent the afternoon drinking margaritas, so when the first wave of nausea hit, I thought it was the tequila. But no. How I wish it had been…
I was in a band and on tour in the early 00’s. As we were leaving the western edge of Pennsylvania on our way to Dayton Ohio we gassed up at a station that had a hybrid Pizza Hut / KFC / and Blimpies food processing closet. Being a vegetarian roughly 5 hours from home I was overjoyed that the Blimpies, 1/3 of this…
Alright, I’ve never posted anything on Jez but I can’t resist this one-
That is a nice place to throw up.
I got food poisoning from bad seafood at a beach in France before getting on a transatlantic flight. (Don’t get shrimp delivered to your cabana. Just don’t.) I don’t even remember how many hours the flight was. I threw up more times than I had previously believed was possible.
From the day I was born until the day she died my grandmother was 100% my best friend. She was and is my role model. It's not like I obsess tabout getting old I just accept it. She said I kept her feeling young and I told her that she made me feel like getting old wasn't at all the worst thing that could happen to me.
If there is one thing I can tell you of usefulness in your life as a woman on this planet: You need to get yourself…