Jared Leto looks like a cartoon villain.
Jared Leto looks like a cartoon villain.
When I was in high school, I wrote an entire play about my boyfriend dumping me. For whatever reason, the drama teacher thought it would be a good idea to put that piece of shit on stage.
I still cringe with embarrassment when I think about it, and it's been well over a decade.
Taylor. Katy. Learn from my mistakes. Cut…
whenever someone says that ("would you like fries with your order") as an insult to demean someone I cringe
what the fuck is wrong with having a job. that comment is so fucking classist and gross. get over yourself
I gotta say, I appreciate this apology. It was way better than her "sorry you were offended" tweet, and I like that she says that she has taken the time to learn something about why what she said was wrong.
yeah, I've had two experiences where guys I've known not much more than acquaintances have approached me making these overwrought professions of love for me and I'm just like, you don't know me at all, you are not in love with me. One I had gone to high school with, but he was in a class ahead of me and we never had a…
It was definitely obsession not love in the case i'm thinking of. I'd go as far to say this guy doesn't actually know what love is.
I can imagine there are a few guys like this, or rather that it could easily just be more men are defining something as "love" when a woman with the same feelings wouldn't call it that.
I don't know, I guess it depends on your definition of love. I have had this experience (and I KNOW many of my female friends have) where a man who a woman considers a friend, or even a man a woman considers a mere acquaintance, gets it in his mind that she is ideal for him and claims to be in love with her, despite…
Wait. Iggy Azalea is taking a break from Twitter bc someone said she has cellulite but not bc her racist and culturally insensitive comments have offended many as she profits from hip hop culture?
dear Igloo
I created an account JUST to reply to this.
Please don't tell her how to feel about her own experience. It is not your place to instruct her on what her emotions should be about something that happened to her.
Absolutely. He was in a position of power and abused it.
The attraction is normal. Acting on it isn't, and especially if you are in a parent/child relationship. It was his responsibility to protect her from it, and he failed her. Further I would argue that he groomed her and preyed upon her.
She was 19..I was very, very confused when I was 19. He however..
I am usually on board with TW requests, but the title kind of gives you a major idea of where this was going.
This story is horrifying, but I don't see how we can find fault with the author for telling it. Well, some people can, but those people are terrible and the kind who say DV victims are stupid because "they don't just leave."
This is some brave shit.