
I really don’t know what’s going on with the world today. I suppose there’s always been bad things and maybe the omnipresent social media just makes them more visible? I grew up 30 minutes away from the town in Wisconsin, where this week, the photo of like 40 boys from their high school doing a “heil Hitler” salute

Somehow 45's compliments are more offensive than his insults.  At least you know he means the insults. 

That’s also my usual MO but the one time I dropped it (granted I was really drunk) I’m pretty sure I just grabbed the guy and kissed him mid conversation and it didn’t work out terribly. It actually worked out very well.

Some people should never be parents...because they fucking suck as human beings.

The behavior of the parents here is beyond reprehensible. And what’s worse is there are surely plenty of other bigots out there that support this behavior. Fuck each and every one of those people with Lucille from the Walking Dead.

The NCAA is a joke. I went to a major Division I school and we are well know for our athletic programs. It wasn’t uncommon to see basketball and football players driving around in Cadillac Escalades and Nissan Infinities. We’re talking about 19 year old kids from middle class or working class families. No way their

In Toronto too and this sickened me. That poor boy (and most likely other victims). And shame on police, others, for not doing anything until media outlets investigated further.

The Buffalo News did a story on it. Sweet, sweet justice that these parents are going to deal with their abuse being covered in the local paper. If the comments are, in fact, local they may have a shunning of their own in their futures. Also interviews the “father.”

I’m an absolute wreck at the moment... My dad was in a motorbike accident on Friday. He is in the hospital with his pelvis broken in 4 places, tailbone in 2, bruised bladder, torn urethra, a heap of gravel rash and the top of his ear torn off. Thank God he was wearing all his protective gear! But I'm so stressed and

I was talking about this with friends today. They were going on about the school’s responsibility. I asked about the parents who have raised these sadistic teen boys to think either that this is acceptable conduct or that they can get away with it. The cruelty of the violations and humiliations is horrific;

Here in Toronto at St. Michael’s College a prestigious Catholic Boy’s Private School (think Brett Kavanaugh) junior football players sexually and physically assaulted fellow students using a broomstick and immersing a naked boy in water while beating him. Multiple incidents were recorded and widely disseminated and

Watching the first season of The Handmaid’s Tale right now; it’s on HBO’s streaming service where I live, and I’ve only just started on the fourth episode. I’ve found myself thinking that while there’s seeds for what takes place planted already in Merican society, surely something like that can’t happen in the real

I call BS on this “she is part of our family” statement. If they REALLY cared about her well-being, they would have defended her against the callous NCAA ruling or offered her scholarships and grants so that she could return the money but still pay tuition and eat. They only changed their tune after the criticism,

Seriously, fuck the NCAA.  They rake in millions while micromanaging the students to such ridiculous extremes.  

Left her with a bill to pay? Was it in her name? If not, she should shove it down the garbage grinder (after tearing into pieces).  What monsters her parents are. The NCAA is almost as horrible.  Poor young woman!

Gofundme is here:

Elections are more about turnout than they are about actually convincing people, and Dems turn out in greater numbers in presidential years.

I dunno, I think Beto was in an ideal situation, running against maybe the least popular Republican politician in Texas in a long time. Cornyn is just your run-of-the-mill Republican Trump toady. If Beto couldn’t beat the blobfish, I don’t see how he beats Cornyn.

^ This right here is what the Dems need to focus on. Ride the momentum and put the far more dangerous senator out to pasture. Cornyn’s more powerful, popular, and entrenched in the Senate, and he’s on a bunch of crucial committees. Scraping him out would be a major win.

Beto 2020 is still a good idea, but people are pushing him toward the wrong office. Texas’ other Senator, John Cornyn, is up for re-election in 2020.