
Since when was Canada part of Europe? I hope your country keeps it’s far-right politics to itself. My country has enough problems of its own without being infected by people of that ideology.

It is not surprising. They are the regulars here. The writers try to be fair most of the time but the comment section of this site is just ridiculous. 

I think he did a little more than that.

The moderates are whats wrong with your country.

Voldemort. Parasite of the worst possible kind. Stealing from the sick, the old, the helpless....

Agreed. One thing that the 2016 election taught me is that policy plays second fiddle to the excitement a candidate can generate in voters. Trump won because he appealed to the emotions of his base, not the logic.

You are remembering it wrong. 

The only thing worse than Bernie Bros are Bernie Haters.

Prior to Bernie’s appearence, Gillum was down 20 points, just 2 weeks ago.

A lot. For example, California has a law that forbids employers from allowing ICE to question workers at their workplace without showing a warrant. Bosses who allow ICE onto their work site without warrants face significant fines.

this stupid state allowed a scumbag that defrauded medicare and plead the 5th 75 times in his trial to be governor. twice. and then last night the republican party elected him with well over 80% of the republican nomination for senator.

i hope rick scott dies of cancer soon. i fuckign hate him.

Yes, because nobody has ever enforced immigration laws before 2002, or whenever ICE was founded. 

Funny you should mention MA, because long before Obamacare, MA actually implement what was essentially universal healthcare. 99% of residents were covered.

It works with GOP candidates for governors in states not on the border that campaign on “tough on open borders”.

The anti-Bernie crusaders are out in force. Let’s watch them team up with the anti-socialists and ruin this for Fla and the USA. Good job all around.

Bullshit.  I remember a time before ICE.  They are a rogue agency and need to end.

Clinton diehards are mad that their candidate lost and need someone to blame besides her, even if the only complaint is that he did what she did in 2008 minus all the racism.

Why fruitless?  He is the most popular politician in the country.

Ahhh, even when Bernie plays large part in a black man getting the nomination of a major party for the first time in Florida history, this site still hates him. Classic.