
The funny thing about these guys is that almost none of them are part of the “Trump base”. They’re all psuedo-libertarians who get off by being the token conservative in their white, affluent liberal area. These guys are the absolute most annoying and pathetic people out there.

Don’t you think this is exactly the kind of election that would get them to?

Gerrymandering and I have no idea what you’re talking about with the second point.

I got nothing I wanted but my “team” won! Yay!

“The greatest achievement of the presidency and Congress since the Great Society”

Having Kevin Cash pull off all this shit is really weird, considering how sure I was he was a complete dumbfuck previously. It’s like finding out that Rick Perry has a real knack for safeguarding our nuclear arsenal.

So basically, capitalism

This should be the only response when people ask how will you pay for a program:

So you point out how fundamentally broken our system is while pledging that we need to work within it and believe a “demographic shift” will magically fix everything.

The Democrats had 59-60 votes in the Senate, a majority in the House and the presidency and got almost nothing done, but yeah, it worked great.

That’s literally the opposite of the point I’m trying to make.

Don’t worry. The Republicans are playing this like it’s a solid red state when it’s really purple with demographics that directly conflict with Kemp’s campaign strategy. It’d be like if the Democrats ran Ocasio-Cortez in New Hampshire in 2010.

Georgia is considerably blacker than Virginia though. Over 30 compared to 19% of the population. This is more like an Alabama situation with a Democratic candidate that will excite more than Doug Jones and a Republican that it will be a little bit easier to hold your nose and vote for than Moore. 

Not to mention that Georgia is a different kind of state, where Democrats do ok even in off years, there are lots of black people and a crazy Republican and black Democrat could drive up black turnout.

Really? The Democrat was within 8 points in 14. There is more Democratic sentiment nationally now, a black candidate that will drive black turnout and an insane Republican to scare people. I’d be shocked if Abrams wasn’t at least within a couple points, if not winning.

You don’t know what you’re talking about. Georgia is pretty purple. Last gubernatorial election, the Democrat only lost by 8 percentage points in a Republican wave election, 10 in the red tsunami of 2010. Clinton lost by less than 6 points. And the state is blacker than most red states by a substantial amount, with

Dude, I’m in a swing district and we have a “moderate” Republican Congressman who is campaigning on how he kept our rural, vastly white district safe from MS-13. The only “invaders” of our district are city people who come up on weekends to buy overpriced crap.

I was wondering how Cagle managed to get even less votes than he did in the first round of the primary. That last sentence explains it. Gotta know your constituents.

Anyone who supports Trump? Yeah. The majority. No.

Just go to an io9 Walking Dead article if you want true hell. Holy shit, I get that it’s not that great a show, but it mildly entertains me. Get a life.