
I was gonna say S.E. Cupp, BUT SHE DYED HER HAIR TOO! What the hell!

Yeah. Or 12th if they follow my idea of cutting an inning in regulation.

Maybe so, but PBS still found it to be necessary.

Well good for you then. Please continue to tell people they’re wrong, then get mad when they explain to you why they’re not.

We’ll agree to disagree.

Better idea, If more than four innings go by without the game being decided, each team gets to pick a pitcher and hitter and decide the game with a HR derby.

Go eat Theresa May’s ass, you prolapsed anus.

No, but Netanyahu is.

This will do nothing to get young people into the game again. Here’s an idea: cut an inning or two.

Which is why I’m pushing this Louisville idea. If fucking Buffalo can have two pro sports, why can’t they have one?

How about Louisville then? Smaller tv market but would be only pro sport and has a baseball history.

Hell no am I watching tense situations be derailed because the pitcher comes to the plate. Gtfo of here with this traditionalist nonsense.

Yeah, honestly it’s kind of crazy that 162 games has lasted this long.

That addendum is not a bad idea.

What if like a 102 win team lost a one game playoff to like a 78 win team though?

True, but I honestly think the best step is to acknowledge that the Simpsons is tone deaf as a whole in 2018 and just respectfully end the show.

No one knows. I’m hoping this controversy will finally end it.

I see your point but wasn’t that scene more of a commentary on racism and Islamophobia than anything else?

While that statement was tone deaf, I do find it funny that people are mad about a stereotype on a show where the characters being stereotypes is the point. Honestly, I think the problem is that the Simpsons has been around long enough that it is now dated in its social commentary. Time for it to go.

Tbf, looks like the Trayvon one was photoshopped.