
But that’s the key to modern TERF ideology. They’ve adopted the label “gender critical” and these concern trolly issues to try to make their fringe ideology more mainstream. That’s why people like “Feminist Appropriating Reactionary Transphobes” as an alternate descriptor.

They try to have it both ways too. Where they say trans people who transition or crossdress are “appropriating/disrespecting” womenhood but in the next breath say trans people who don’t are inherently less legitimate.

I always heard it as “reactionary” transphobes. Tired of these people claiming a monopoly on radicalism.

They do this all the time. If a person says transition is right for them, they should be dismissed, but if they say they regret transition, they must be listened to and you shouldn’t even consider the possibility transphobia pressured them into such a “detransition”.

I’m not kidding, they say Stonewall was awful and all about men trying to justify pedophilia.

Bisexuals took tons of shit from the same people for years and only very recently are they included in the movement by this people because public opinion has gone against them on this. All of the “gender critical” movement is really just making these niche positions mainstream even when society has moved away from

If you want an example to show once and for all why TERFs suck, it was this debate that started on a post about CAIS people from r/gendercritical. Can’t find it anymore but it basically boiled down to an interrogation of the supposedly “simple ideological premise” that makes them anti-trans. Their whole thing is

How so?

Loved it. Was like my other favorite ep, “Meet in The Middle” but with better acting.

And this reference finally didn’t feel gratuitous.

I’m sorry, how is this “both-sidesing”. It’s about a domestic violence victim using the only escape valve she has available to her and a douchebag facing the consequences of the actions that were caused by his desire for a toxic “perfection” that could never exist.

What made you find Us a bust?

Is she Jewish?

Dude, if South Park were doing a parody on PC culture, they might throw out “replace Missy actress with Tiffany Haddish” but they’d throw that out as too ridiculous.

An entire state Green Party just did:

The Green Party is already rolling over for the Dems. Chillax

I disagree. Writing was bad. Acting was hit or miss. Directing was great and I can’t believe that and Kali actress gets so little credit.

So glad not the only one who thinks Andrew brother was being more reasonable than Issa. Bosses being on the ass of low wage customer service workers to enforce dumb shit totally happens. I mean, if Molly was so sure it was racism, why did she ask Andrew bf that he saw a double standard happen, which he clearly didn’t

There’s a scene like that in the Wonder Woman animated movie.