Ethan Jobson

People on this site citing the Afghanistan withdrawal as a positive shows this site isn’t free from mindless partisanship. This is supposed to be a women’s site. Ask any Afghan women and feminist activists how well the Biden plan for Afghanistan withdrawal worked out for them.

Plenty of reputable polls showed him winning. But be my guest, nominate Biden again because only he’s shown he can beat Trump despite his historically low approval rating and see how that goes.

Yes they would’ve actually. Because voting was made way easier in 2020 due to the pandemic. Do people really think the record turnout was because Trump and Biden were such exciting candidates?

Wait what? Yes they did. Even in super conservative states like South Carolina where Biden won overall in a landslide, young people backed Bernie.

Joe Biden endorsed Kyrsten Sinema in her primary against a progressive challenger. If she is impossible to work with in Congress, he could’ve found that out from her time in the House before he endorsed her. By endorsing her, he has no one to blame but himself.

You mean the Congress his party controlled and that’s caucus’s most conservative members he still trusted enough to endorse in their primary:

Here is what you said verbatim:

I mean you said people like me (even though I’ve voted Dem for Congress and will continue to) are the reason Dems will lose Congress.

You don’t need to be a scientist to critique a study. But you can’t just attack a study based on no scientific study or scientist’s opinion. Citing sources for an elected official dictating scientific policy is actually quite important. You’d think someone who claims to know so much about science like you would

We have them at the federal level for president. I don’t see corruption as any worse among presidents than Congress.

But Republicans voted for Feinstein’s progressive young Latino Dem opponent in Cali since Cali has a system where two Dems can make the GE. Cali Dems voted for Feinstein and since Cali has more Dems than Repubs that was enough to win for Feinstein. It can’t be about just voting. What places like this site have to get

2018 when Feinstein was reelected had high turnout and high youth turnout:

Chuck Grassley currently too. I’ve trashed Cali Dems for voting Feinstein in again in 2018 but Iowa Repubs are probably going to do the same this year.

So come in and voluntarily advise younger leaders. I’m sure many would be fine with that.

Fair enough.

But why favor having her as part of a team trying to wrangle a demented president over her taking over when there is the Constitutional capacity for her to do so? And before you say electability, first off neither has to run after this term and even as a person who’s not a fan of Kamala Harris, I can look and see her

I at the very least don’t think Kamala would do any worse than Biden. Her net approval, while not good is higher than Biden’s right now.

When have the American people voted against their interests? Dems have won the presidential popular vote in 2008, 2012, 2016 and 2020. They won a majority of the House popular vote in 2018 and 2020. The last time they voted Repub was a majority of the House votes in 2010 and 2014. Only two times nearly a decade ago

She has repeatedly shown no interest in running.

How would you weigh whether anyone can beat Trump? We won’t know it until we see it play out. Even Biden who won as a non incumbent may not win as an unpopular incumbent.