well you can also push your car outta the spot in most places.
well you can also push your car outta the spot in most places.
Many do ... people tear them off
Yet another move that keeps teh tax burden on those that can least afford it. I grew up conservative but all thos conservative tenants have been twisted to the point that it is sheer insanity to keep doing things the way we are doing them.
Small company with a specific visions that is out of line with the IP that they have been blessed with. Nintendo should have had a little more control over the quality of the game and how their IP was used.
knowing niantic probably not.. and all they would have had to do is notify the players as to why and acknowledge that they were working to fixing the problem.
LOL he cant
um no ... we havent been around for ALL of history. And nor are we a major force of death than most other creeds or religions, and qutie frankly we tend to do more good than many.
Missing some key ones here
U Can’t Touch This
Smells Like Teen Spirit
Runaway Train
This list leaves a lot to be desired overall
The mandolin is a wonderful tool, however, it is extremely dangerous and easy to hurt yourself VERY badly. I highly recommend the use of Kevlar/steel cut resistant gloves when using one. From personal experience it is very easy to filet a finger even for experienced users. All it takes is a split second ... and bam…