
After following the steps, Amazon Sidewalk was already disabled on my account. It looks like their plan is to just turn it on later, without us noticing.

Before anybody complains about these charges or tries to compare them to another industry, I highly suggest they read (or at least skim) the indictment itself. Schooley and Henry personally designed the slide allegedly without consulting any engineers. They rushed the design, rushed the construction, and did it all

“Can you make it not force restart my computer when I’m giving a presentation to my boss?”

Choo-choo, all aboard the Amazon Hate Train Express! =p

As the saying goes, “Hell is other people”.

It’s a little exhausting as somebody who found the movie to be simply a serviceable Hollywood blockbuster with higher than average production values and generally decent performances.

He had his chance with Transmeta :)

Because the country that you are visiting wants to be sure that you will be able to leave by the time you have to leave. They don’t want you “stuck” there because your passport is expired.

They do warn you though. Or at leas they warned me on my last flight. It’s also somewhat common knowledge. Funny that a writer for a website that routinely mocks the supposed ignorance of others found himself in this situation.

It is literally on the first paragraph of the International Travel info page. Also mentioned when booking.

Right, so the reason behind this is that the US has a visa waiver with most countries (which Europe is helpfully thinking of rescinding because our current Cheetolini keeps fucking up our own visa waivers for their citizens) and that stamp or ticket you get when entering most of those countries is for — wait for it — n

As someone who lived through the age of endless proprietary chargers, the ubiquitous universality of Micro-USB was nothing short of miraculous.

USB C is awful. If you have trouble plugging in a micro USB then you need to get checked for Parkinsons.

I agree both that that was a major takeaway from this interview and that that seems to be Lee’s position, at least. And that it’s a pretty reasonable stance. We’ll see - again, as Lee says, this will take time - whether they mean it or not.

So the six post basically boil down to “Univision’s condition for making this deal was that they don’t inherit someone else’s mess. But if we make our own mess going forward, we’ll fight it out.”

Maybe I’m really baked right now (I am), but it seems like JK doesn’t understand that Univision bought them with the express position that they are dumping the liabilities (which is a fucking sweet deal). It isn’t a question of integrity or lack of integrity, it’s a question of whether keeping those posts up will

The words “heat” and “noise” don’t appear in a “review” of a device that has been shrunk and a power supply integrated into it. Fundamental design and user interests are not addressed, instead focusing on the obvious.

Broiling Man

Gawker Media is bankrupt. There is no money for proofreading.

Gawker Media is bankrupt. There is no money for proofreading.