
I feel ya, but part of the agreement of living in this society is playing by the rules even if they don't...

Her line for Fred Perry was just released - super cute stuff!

This is absolutely true. I eat a high fat, high calorie diet with only few carbohydrates from low glycemic veggies and fruits and am in the best shape of my life. I think the low-fat fad was one of the worst injustices to be pushed on the health of this country's citizenry - because when you get a low-fat product it


love it

So lovely... his designs truly are moving to me....

Love this!

thanks :)

I'm taking my 3rd Calc II class this summer, and as you said thought it was cheating fate that I had even made it this far. I was so convinced of this I was considering giving up on my degree with only 15 credit hours to go.... but know... I think this perspective shift may be just what I needed.

if only the world was that black and white... should someone be punished to the full extent of the law because they fall into the grey area? there is no motive for her to steal that, the dress she bought for court was many times more valuable than the necklace - not to mention lawyers fees and possibly her freedom.

i REALLY like the last outfit, but alas it is $600... soo.... now i am wondering if it unusual that i do not spend that much on my outfits...

I was in the same boat at being 26 and being advised that I probably already had exposure to HPV etc, but I went ahead and has the vaccine anyway.... so glad I did! Everyone should get the little ones vaccinated as soon as they can.

recessional... ?

it's really a non-issue, she just traced the IP's nothing more to see there.

fucking BRAVO m'lady. bravo.

Also, misogyny is listed as is violence as one of the things experienced. Semantics, not necessary to be so critical.... the point remains.


As someone who is getting over drinking too much and some food problems, this is not good.

has the zombie thing officially ended yet? or can we barely contain our overwhelming desire to have a moral excuse to annihilate our fellow citizens?

I am surprised anyone is surprised.