
You know, i really just get the feeling that deep down, in her heart of hearts, she wishes she was in a trailer park enjoying the simpler things in life - like wondering where her baby's daddy has been for the last week or eating fast food without feeling bad about it, because no one else does. I'm totally serious.

maybe an entertainment journalist. amy goodman would be an example of a journalist. Murrow. You know...

It's a good idea, but did she have to post a picture of them crying and tell the whole story? Couldn't she have just, you know, sold the toys without crawling up on a cross about it?

My thoughts exactly.

For someone who feels that every host on The View should be considered an entertainer (they are neither journalists or educated on the subjects to which they speak), and thus someone to whose opinion holds only the weight of novel entertainment, her opinion on his opinion means nothing to me.

Is it just me or has this been a particularly terrifying week for woman's rights? Is it a coincidence or a trend we can look forward to? If the latter, what does the woman as an individual do about it?

The only thing that comforts me about this story is that she was ultimately saved from the crowd from a group of Egyptian women, I think we underestimate the power we can have when we focus of the rights of ourselves and each other. Until that happens EVERYWHERE, true respect for women will never happen.

"seven out of 10 U.S. residents think single mothers are bad for society"

I think there has been a concerted effort by Carl Rove, the conservative anti-abortion movement to to focus on infiltrating state legislature elections and representatives as the outcomes are viewed as populist and the funding is harder to follow. They have been TRYING to do it here in Colorado, i think that is the

Valentine's day off to 'best ever' status already. Boyfriend came home at 12:30 a.m. (6 hours after i cooked him dinner for when he got off work) wasted with a GIANT hickey on his neck - the man is 31 years old. That is one way to do it...

Lovely... I hope this is the new normal, and we can go back to calling the smaller ladies petite instead.

an oscar.... lolz - if inception wins i will be so disappointed...

that makes two of us....



Same. I really don't understand, politics aside, how someone could contradict themselves SO MUCH by being against abortion because it's 'killing a baby' but be for war/torture/death penalty. It's one of the basic concepts with this battle that I still can't grasp.

Pic #9 -of a little girl I don't know- says 'The man himself: this velvet jacket looks like the work of his new "swagger coach." ' in reference to Justin. That's all...

Idaho... c'mon? Potato beer or something? Even Utah has A beer.

It would be funny maybe if you picked it up off the street or something.... but pointing out a child's stupidity when it is your job to teach them makes you look like an idiot.... imho

haha, friction. sorry, had to do it.