Bandido Andrew

You’ve made multiple posts condemning amateur drivers on track days. Funny, no Jalopnik writer would hop in a borrowed car and crash it, right? Of course not. Tell you what, I’m going to step away from the computer and get you a ladder so you can get down off that high horse.

She was gorgeous.

You must be pretty upset about IS having its hands on a lot of the material we left in Iraq (I am too).

@Dana’s story is retarded. What, he didn’t order the beer you like, ate too much and dressed like Jay Leno? I owned a bar / restaurant, apparently Dana doesn’t know what a bad customer is. I’m not quite sure why his/her story was published, I WANT A REFUND.

Totally. Normally I’m not a fan of purple cars, but the moment I saw that I thought “perfection”.

Man, $24.5k for a new car that can prevent deadly accidents? That’s crazy, the nerve of some people!

If your hack column existed 60 years ago, you’d be advising folks not to waste their hard earned greenbacks on a car equipped with those new fangled safety belts.

We loved the Del Sol? That’s news to me.

Be careful... you don’t want to be rational when discussing HD, if the purists don’t get you, the haters will. I own a VRSCR, I think you’re going to be very happy with your bike.

Thank you.

Nope, my leathers are unbunched and trust me, I “focus on not getting squished.”

Drivers: Please stop being oblivious fools. Get off your fucking phones, use your turn signals, quit multitasking.

Well, aren’t you Billy Badass! How about you just focus on driving and leave the Chuck Norris impersonation for your boyfriend at home?

Those were gorgeous.

Second era of malaise? Apparently you weren’t around for the first.

Absolutely nothing. These were not bad cars at all.

That Mustang looks great you fucker, take that back!

Yeah, they were bland as fuck but they were cheap to buy and maintain.

I suspect you know a thing or two about bitchery.

Because they’re idiots.

What are you, a defense attorney for hack writers?