Bandido Andrew

Totally worked for Toyota / Subaru. How many F86s did they sell last month, 20? Yeah buddy, Nissan sells about 350k Altimas per year. Car manufacturers are in the business of selling cars to the masses, not side projects for impossible to please enthusiasts that buy used. Seriously, the Pollyanna bullshit around here

I’m pretty sure that’s okay so long as you say the pledge of allegiance before you mount up. There’s nothing God and the founding fathers hate more than a pinko commie lowlife on a bicycle.

Yeah, it’s an alright car I suppose.... if you’re a chick.

I don’t disagree with you. That said, I find it interesting that if someone made similar sweeping generalizations about the Miata, the commentariat would get the pitchforks out.


A power walking fuck? I give Jazzercise fucks.

You sure you want to be a rape apologist?


Hey Douche, he hasn’t been convicted yet.

I'm going to take a stab in a wet paper bag and guess your experience with LSD is fairly limited.

That's just your opinion, man.

The Arch Duke's. You think that's a Ferrari?! It's a 'Ferary' which was built using a '86 Daytona and was featured in the Summer '87 issue of Kit Kar Krazy.

No worries. The death by massive explosion defect was traced down (by me, the unfairly disgraced former President of The Dodge Charger Owners Club of The Americas (INCLUDING MEXICO!!)) to defective fuse oil manufactured by an East German fuse oil factory which employed underage little people - a clear violation of

I'm pretty sure that's a Dodge Charger.

And on the first night with the car, the rapper heads to a strip club and pulls a couple girls; one of whom promptly smudges a blunt out against that door panel stitching. Cost to repair: $20k.

That is - by far - the nicest '86 Daytona I've ever seen, I'd love to know who did the body kit on it. Here's mine:

I've never seen this car before, fucking gorgeous.

Blasting classic rock the whole time.

Don't be absurd, of course not. However, they are the reason MB and BMW parts are so expensive.

Governments lie, Israel and "Zionists" don't have a monopoly on dishonesty. It's a big ugly world out there full of competing interests, get used to it.