Bandido Andrew

I'm not saying it's right, I'm not saying it's wrong either. In a perfect world, people would sort out conflicts like decent human beings. I wasn't there, so I'm not going to be an armchair cop and call it like I (don't) see it.

Cool response, bro.

I agree with you. That said, when you see Brothers get ran over / seriously injured the shit talking literally adds insult to injury. Things have a way of taking on a life of their own. I'm not saying it's right, I'm just saying it is.

Not so much, but you know what is stupid? Running over bikers.

Interesting to see all the responses here. I've been involved / witnessed incidents like this before. Just a guess: the wife was talking shit, that's what we call volunteering.

Pinstriping? It has it's place. Definitely period correct on this truck.

I live in Latin America. By local standards, this is not graphic at all. We're used to videos of people getting their heads sawed off with pocket knifes. The morning paper has corpses full of bullet holes on the front page. Carnage and it's depiction in the media is part of life here. I think it's interesting that in

The Honda was a well made car that sold in big numbers, because reliability. The Renault was garbage when new, I shudder to think what the ownership experience would be like now. Parts? Yeah right. Oh, you want your door to stay attached? That's not very Jalop of you. It has all the reliability you'd expect from a

One car caught fire. What would the story be if a Cadillac caught fire? BECAUSE GASOLINE. Oh, that's right, there wouldn't be a story, that shit happens everyday. Would Cadillac PR have to make a comment regarding what happened? Would Jalopnik be running three breathless stories about the incident? It's almost like

Whoa, I can't stand her music... but why are you so angry? That's a rhetorical question, no need to unleash a string of profanities at me.

Like you guys haven't beat it to death already.

My thoughts exactly.


You won't, they're only making 1500 per year.

I dunt get you uppitay muddafuggas. Dis heah yella pickup truck is bad ass, I get friendly wit mah cuzins in da back, in da back if ya naw whut I meen. Ya'll need to get sum taste an maebe a lil class whal ya at it. Peece, luezerz.

Umm, being somewhat familiar with Musk's capabilities, I often took up for Tesla on this site... just about got ran out on a rail for it too. I wish Ray (The Dragon) Derp would come back and eat some crow for being so damn wrong about so many things.

I agree with you 100%. Any car that starts rattling and squeaking after 5k miles shouldn't be taken seriously in today's day and age. The CV was a throw-back to a time that is best parked in a field and left to rust away with quiet dignity.

You aim for the back end? I've been riding for 20+ years, I have never heard this. What I would suggest is that you scrub off as much speed as possible and look for the path of least resistance. The reality in these situations is that it's usually an 'oh shit' moment where you tense up, grab a handful of brake