Looks nice at first glance. After thinking about what's going on in that passenger compartment, it just seems like a death chamber.
Looks nice at first glance. After thinking about what's going on in that passenger compartment, it just seems like a death chamber.
I noticed that as well. #CaliforniaUberAlles
Glad you enjoyed them. One man's trash being another man's treasure and all that.
Jesus Christ you're harsh dude. Relax.
I never drove a second-gen car. I hear they were much better.
Yes, they were fun to drive, until they were terrifying to drive. I drove a '62 in Seattle. Curves in the rain with those bias ply tires really drew attention to the car's schizo handling characteristics.
Not my cup of tea.
HAHAHAHAHA! The people that can afford a Corvette are middle aged!
Yeah, I´ve lived in Central America for ten years now... they´re common in the campo, especially in Costa Rica (along with Santana CKD Series Land Rovers). Both the FJ and Series Landrover can be had on the cheap in Costa Rica and are viewed as campasino transport by the locals.
Ok people, some of you have had valid points, some of you have taken your ignorant little swipes and moved on.
And you're all Big Brother's errand boys.
Gold star for you, you are on the side of the screaming mob, congratulations.
Ahh, actually the first post was posted first thing in the morning, pre-shower, pre-coffee, and wasn't the smoothest thing I'll do all day.
Point taken.
Morally repugnant? No, cooperation with authorities is morally repugnant. I could go anywhere in the world and conduct myself exactly like I've stated here. Tell you what, go walk around with a sandwich board on saying "I think it's right to cooperate with the police" and see what sort of response you get. And hey,…
Don't bro me unless you know me. But hey, 14 is the best thing I've been called all day, and something I haven't been called since you were a twinkle in your daddy's eye.
Yours is by far the best argument here for cooperation in this specific case.
Uhhh, yeah. I am not an internet tough guy, but ok.
"Pitiful excuse for humanity?" You're a charming fellow, aren't you?
Hey lil' miss smarty pants, you called me an "asshole" first. I had a more choice reply for you, but I self-censored.