
Thanks! I have to re-watch the episode because during that whole scene I was completely focused on whatever Johnad was saying.

Tom Hollander also plays a different character in In The Loop, so actors playing different characters within the universe isn't really a problem as I originally thought.

Justin Edwards was in Veep? I must have missed that.

I'd forgotten that In The Loop actually sidestepped the continuity from The Thick of It. Probably because I watched the movie before catching up with the show.

Let's give the writing staff some Emmys as well.

I've been going back and forth between "they're doing it" and "Kent's trying really hard but Sue's a no-go" for the past few episodes. It's hard to tell with Sue, she has such contempt for everyone around her.

I was really hoping we'd get to see at least one of the characters from The Thick of It (maybe Oliver) interacting with the Veeple. But then I remembered Amy is supposed to be Liza in that universe so that wouldn't quite work.

“I feel like Shakespeare when that monkey made fun of him.” — Mike McLintock, the gift that keeps on giving.

If Sue was in charge of the campaign, she would probably start by firing Mike and Dan, both useless. Speaking of Sue, l'm loving all the interactions between her and Kent. Wonder if it's building up to something?

Dan’s nervous breakdown was fucking glorious, only made sweeter by Amy puppeteering the whole thing.

He just seems so out of his depth at all points that is kind of sad. If they are planning on keeping him around for the long run, hopefully he starts to smarten up or at least gains some of his agency back.

He's got to make a stop by Alisontown first.

A smart strategy if you ask me. Getting other people to do the killing for you increases your chances of surviving if anything.

I don't get the idea that Rachel is particularly scared of Sarah, but that's just me. She also has no idea of what Mrs. S or Cal are capable of and neither are we in Cal's case.

I'm curious, has this been made explicit as one of the responsibilities of the job? I guess it makes sense when the clone isn't aware because usually a romantic partner is in the best position to monitor the clone. But in Rachel's case this doesn't quite apply.

I'm not defending her methods at all. She's obviously a strong arm type of leader. But I liked that her reaction this time around came from a personal place (her home invaded, her life disrupted somewhat) instead of the vague ruthlessness we saw before.

I would have been perfectly happy with Helena taking him out mid-coitus, but you do bring up an interesting alternative.

I think the motivation for the speech was entirely out of a need to help Felix by whatever means necessary, but that doesn't mean that her words are any less genuine. Especially after what they went through last week, it's not entirely unbelievable that Sarah would feel this way about Helena. But as usual, Sarah keeps

To be fair, Cosima's keeping her medical status from the other clones as a defense mechanism of sorts. If she doesn't admit to others that she's sick, then she doesn't have to deal with the full implications of her symptoms. It's also an entirely personal matter. It comes from a vulnerable place not one of distrust.

I was also a bit skeptical about the decision to bring Helena back. She was my least favorite clone last season and I always felt that her scenes where at odds with the rest of the show tone-wise (even though Maslany did a great job with the character). That said, the last two episodes have turned me around on Helena.