I wonder if they are going to bring the Vergers story to conclusion in the next three episodes. Because we know Hannibal has to be at the very least exposed as the Chesapeake Reaper by the finale.
I wonder if they are going to bring the Vergers story to conclusion in the next three episodes. Because we know Hannibal has to be at the very least exposed as the Chesapeake Reaper by the finale.
What I loved about that scene is that Alana starts realizing that this is a threesome, but she's really only a minor part of it. You can see her realizing that these two have a stronger emotional connection than she has with either one of them.
After murder a little butt stuff is minor really. Beverly died for you Will. This is the least you can do. For reasons…
:: takes place in line ::
See I was a little unclear on whether this was part of Hannibal's plan or not. So hopefully that's made a bit more explicit in next week's episode. I'm currently having the same issue with the show's ambiguity regarding what Jack knows/doesn't know.
He's definitely unaware of what Will has been doing to lure Hannibal. I don't buy Jack being able to condone murder.
This is what I was thinking. I think the meat Will brought to dinner belonged to Randall Tier.
Let's hope Fuller can handle this with more nuance than Harris' novel. Again, I haven't read it but what I hear it's not encouraging.
Well yes. Once they move past my initial objections, the act itself becomes problematic in different ways. I'm just relieved that this didn't turn out to be: Will's so irresistible I have to sleep with him. At least sperm-jacking fits in with the manipulation game that literally every character is playing with one…
I have been never read the novel so I'm only partly aware of what happens with Margot. But I agree that the act was calculated and initiated by Margot for a specific reason (if they go where I think they are going with it.)
That dinner conversation might as well have been Alana telling Will and Hannibal: "Why don't you just marry each other?" Murder Husbands is basically cannon now.
I want the person who said there was no homoeroticism in Hannibal last week to dare say the same thing about this episode. I mean, they were practically in bed together.
That stag sure is pretty.
I was kind of upset about Margot sleeping with Will at first because we really don't need another story about how lesbians will always be open to sex with men if the right D presents itself, but knowing Fuller and seeing the preview for what's to come has alleviated my fears somewhat. This encounter was more…
I'm surprised no one's mentioned the prom scene from Grease. It's worth it alone for the hand-jiving and John Travolta dancing in a pink shirt alone, but then you think about the fact that Rizzo was 34 years old and it shoots to the top the list.
Still not a valid excuse to not hire more female writers. If as you say, quality is not really what Hollywood is looking for, then the only explanation we are left with for the lopsided hiring practices is not that men are better writers than women but that an effort is being made to keep them out of the industry,…
That Zelda really doesn't shut up, amirite?
lol wtf is twee pop
Nah. He's just a good old-fashioned mysogynist.