
That final scene was fantastic and the moment the season has been building up to. In retrospect it's so obvious that Slade would present Oliver with that choice that I can't believe I didn't see it coming. Props to everyone involved in that scene, but Stephen Amell really sold Oliver's agony in that moment. He's

I think we should keep Laurel trapped in flashblack-world from now on.

Roy looked constipated the entire episode so I couldn't take anything he did seriously.

I'm with you on the Dr. Reed front. Couldn't care less for him. I didn't even notice he was gone this episode.

Tom Cruise hasn't had an interest in vaginas since like ever.

It's actually rare to find people who like Death Proof, not people who dislike it. I'm in the "meh" side of things myself.

I miss Liz Lemon. I need Tina Fey back on TV in a regular basis.

So it's still shit. Good to know.

Do Kent and Sue have crazy sexual tension or am I just taking crazy pills?

I've read most of his books in their original version (Spanish is my native language), but I've sampled passages in English and the inventiveness of his prose translates well.

The beat on Tangerine is great and I still play that track constantly (it also has the last T.I. verse I enjoyed). When Sir Lucious came out I had all but forgotten Big Boi, but that album really made me appreciate what he brought to Outkast and Southern Hip-Hop in general. I'm still surprised Shutterbug didn't

Yeah I realized that I had included The Autumn of the Patriarch in my accessibility comment and edited right away. I read it a while ago and found it appealing and incredibly rewarding, but those 3 page sentences and leaps in time can be really off-putting to some people.

Also, if you are interested in his writing in general I would recommend reading
The Solitude of Latin America, his Nobel Lecture. It's a nice encapsulation of the most common themes in his short stories and novels.

I wouldn't call Chronicle of a Death Foretold any less accessible than the rest of his work. But you really can't go wrong with Marquez.

I am particularly fond of this line in 100 Years.

Myles, is there going to be regular coverage of Awkward this season?

If you want to avoid the obvious choices, I would go for Chronicle of a Death Foretold or The Autumn of the Patriarch.

I am so ready to have Taystee back in my life.

I am legitimately sad about this news. Chronicle of a Death Foretold is one of my favorite books of all time. I know One Hundred Years of Solitude is the big one that everyone should read, but Chronicle is a great murder mystery with all of Marquez' usual trademarks.

I always thought she knew they were dead but needed the money anyways, so she pretends to be oblivious of the fact that they are probably dead. But then again, I probably read it that way because the alternative is too manipulative.