I'm going with C. He's probably Victor after some facial modification surgery.
I'm going with C. He's probably Victor after some facial modification surgery.
Are you happy now? Look at what you've done.
Everyone's been doing great work this season, but Fiona, Lip, and Mickey have really been amazing this last half of the season. In an ideal world they would all get at least a nomination. But if Emmy Rossum is a long shot at lead actress, I doubt the other two have a chance in the supporting categories, especially…
The dirtiest white boy in America has surely come a long way.
Yes I was happy they didn't go the suicide route, that would have been shocking for shock's sake and really would have soured this finale for me. Hopefully this leads to an interesting Ian/Mickey storyline next season.
Now we need Enver Gjokaj in Shameless.
The editing was top notch throughout the episode, especially in the car scene between Fiona and her probation officer and the Lake Michigan scene with Frank and Carl.
I'm the biggest Frank hater there is, but even I liked that scene. It was gorgeously shot and performed and I found myself begging the writers not to have Frank throw the bottle away: it would have felt way too out of character. I'm still not happy that they didn't let him die in the last episode and I'm not sure if…
I read this as why did Hannibal wipe Alana's ass and I thought I had missed a major scene from the episode.
We're all creeps here. It's the way of the AV Club.
Friday nights are historically the lowest rated nights for programming, second only to Saturday nights. Mostly because that's when the sought after 18-49 demo tends to go out or unwind from the work week. There's a reason they call Friday nights the death slot for any new show.
It's not the best, but NBC had to work with what it has on its programming slate.
If I can't write out my slash fic ideas here, then what's the point of this comments section?
Yes that makes sense. To this day I still find it a bit weird that people have channel "loyalty/shame," but then again I'm the person who rolls their eyes when someone tells me they won't watch a show because it's on The CW.
That's only an excuse if people who watch cable programming are somehow unwilling to come down to the lowly networks to watch quality television. Despite NBC's reputation, Hannibal has been lauded by critics since its premier season and even more so this season. The critical support for the show it's out there (by the…
I actually think NBC did an OK job providing Grimm as the lead in. It's one of the only shows that is even remotely compatible with Hannibal on the network. And yet, Hannibal did better last week when it had Dateline as the lead in. The logistics behind television programming will never not puzzle me.
For anyone on a Friday night those ratings are considered a hit. The most popular show of the night was Shark Tank (1.9). And now I feel sad that more people are willing to watch Shark Tank than Hannibal.
Going off that human meat diet must have been tough on his body. The realization that non-human food just doesn't taste as good as Hannibal's dishes has had an impact on his psyche and weight.
Putting oneself in Scott's shoes has to be maddening, so he/she at least deserves our respect for that.
Will no one think of the ghosts?