Let's play Season-Long FMK.
Let's play Season-Long FMK.
I'm glad that it happened as a fan of the show. It's definitely an interesting choice to make narratively.
I wanted to read it like that as well, but I think, sadly, that we are both being a little optimistic. Patrick's silence to Richie's assessment of their relationship was the end of that relationship. At least for now.
Also, are we going to talk about how Richie is setting up unrealistic expectation for gay men across America. This has to stop. A character that actually expresses his feelings in a clear and concise way, without beating around the bush, what is that all about?
That entire scene I wanted to scream at the TV, don't do it Patrick. It's such a bad idea, but I guess Kevin does look like Russell Tovey so. Agustin, as always, was the instigator of the whole thing, so I'm blaming him for this one.
These are a great read for Saturday mornings. Todd and Bryan thanks for putting this commentary together, I almost wish we could get them as a podcast to play over the episodes when I re-watch.
That was literally the best scene of the episode for me. That Jackie O portray was giving Mellie major side-eye.
The sooner they get rid of Quinn the better. She is a serious downer and the actress who plays the character is not very good either. Quinn threatening Olivia in the car was about the most laughable scene in an episode that contained the ghost of first ladies past judging Mellie for stepping out on her adulterous…
Now that 30 Rock and Happy Endings are banished from our TV universe, this is the show with the highest rate of laugh out loud jokes per episode. And I love their go-for-broke commitment to some of the most outrageous gags. Case in point: Ilana's doo-doo ninja routine had no right working as well as it did, but damn…
Seriously he was on a roll tonight. I prefer his offbeat comments to Bever's obnoxious behavior.
"I ate corn on the cob once, including the cob. I do it every time."
I still think you are ignoring the fact that Richie's "lack of ambition" is a biased view of what Patrick thinks of him and not necessarily Richie's view towards his career prospects. I also didn't mean to imply that Richie's socioeconomic background should be used as an excuse for his behavior. I'm just saying we…
I think you are right. Patrick did cross the Golden Gate Bridge to get to the wedding. They would get married in Sausalito.
You really nailed the Kevin/Patrick relationship with your comment and nicely put into words why I feel so uncomfortable about the two of them getting together.
All the compliments to the groom were disguised digs at Patrick himself weren't they? That final scene really left me feeling bad for Patrick, which is one of the reasons I put him in my marry column this week.
You guys now I want Lee Pace in Looking.
I think Patrick's idea that Richie has no ambition is more something that he thought up for himself than an actual lack of ambition on Richie's part. I think it's important to note that in last week's episode Richie didn't object to the idea of having a place of his own in the future, but instead he was upset because…
Hopefully a bonus of adding Castillo and Tovey to the regular cast next season will be a few more stories expanding out their characters independent of Patrick. Now that the world of Looking is more or less established, I can see episodes from another character's POV working on their own.