I think he was a little disappointed and the way Bakula played it seemed to imply so, even though he did play it off well and reacted maturely by diffusing the tension and moving on.
I think he was a little disappointed and the way Bakula played it seemed to imply so, even though he did play it off well and reacted maturely by diffusing the tension and moving on.
Wow. I didn't catch that connection, but this makes the connectivity between the two main stories of the episode (Agustin's and Patrick's) even stronger.
According to imdb he's only supposed to be in 3 episodes, which makes me sad because he was an interesting addition to the cast. It would also be interesting to see the aftermath of Patrick's rejection. Also, I'll miss Tovey's super cute ears.
Oh I hope my response didn't come off stand-offish, that wasn't my intention. You are right that for people who have lived in the city for so long, they should have been more comfortable with the Folsom atmosphere in general and for the most part they were (Agustin, Doris, Hugo). Patrick is the one who mostly seemed…
Eff: Kevin. Those little mouse ears of his get me going.
Marry: Richie. No contest.
Kill: Dom. He's too old for me.
Is it weird that my second favorite moment this episode was Patrick waiting for confirmation that Agustin was OK on the other side of the toilet while breathing through his mouth to avoid the stench? Also, that final scene between Patrick and Richie was shot and edited so perfectly that I instantly went back and…
Alien Jesus, I personally prefer the big dance area too. I, fortunately/unfortunately?, have never run into a pissing situation.
For tons of people, part of the whole experience is seeing the really kinky stuff for the first time and there are usually a lot of first timers in the area: tons of "newbie" kids from the nearby universities. I was like a deer in the headlights my first time there. We can't all be Agustin-cool with it the first time…
I completely agree with you. I actually thought that the cut-aways to Dom and his business dealings weren't the insignificant distractions that Nowalk makes them out to be. In fact, I'm glad that they didn't drop the restaurant plot-thread after introducing it last week and I'm always happy to see Scott Bakula. As far…
Looking for a porta-potty in a San Francisco Street Fair. We've all been there Augustin. We've all been there.
I'd like to have a piece of Dom's chicken!
That was Black Belt by John Grant.
This show currently has one of the best soundtracks on TV. Loved hearing Black Belt tonight.
I really appreciate Spirited Away on a technical level. I mean that movie is absolutely stunning. However, I unabashedly love Howl's Moving Castle, even recognizing that the movie does falter once Sophie turns young again. It moves me like no other Miyazaki film, including Spirited Away and Totoro.
Scott Pilgrim castmates?
That was actually something that didn't really make sense to me. Why would Jess hold on to the bracelet if he wanted to endear himself to Rory? It's shoddy writing and an awful metaphor if that was what the writers were going for.
Yeah at I just have a blind spot for Jess as well, therefore seeing how much he can get under Dean's skin is delightful to me. Not to mention, the conversation right after the bidding is definitely one of my favorite Jess/Rory/Dean moments because of how easily Dean falls for every single jab Jess throws at him.
"Basket. Basket-maker. Guy who didn’t bring enough money.”
Well thanks for that lovely image. Now I'm picturing, you know what, never mind.