
I would looooove to see DQXI. I need some beautiful pure turn based goodness on my PS4.

That is some gooood taste. I wonder, is Devil Survivor popular over there? Seeing both Persona and SMT pop up makes me think Devil Survivor is popular as it’s like a fusion of the two with a strategy twist.

2016 is the best year for gaming in a long ass time. Hope to god Deus Ex and Final Fantasy XV live up to their potential. Undoubtedly Persona 5 will!

Nier was weird. It had great moments, characters and (God tier) music. I’m not so hot on everything else, so I don’t love Nier quite as much as the next guy. That said, I still enjoyed it and I’m looking forward to how Automata is. I thought it would be a done deal in terms of quality since Platinum’s on the job, but

Got the physical edition of Life Is Strange when it came out in January, and it was awesome. What a game. What a story! I’ve also enjoyed some SFV (waiting for Juri tho), Ratchet & Clank was nice comfort food, and Uncharted was an incredibly satisfying send off to another great Naughty Dog series. Out of all these, my

I’m playing the craaaaap outta Devil Survivor 2 Record Breaker. I am loving the game, it’s criminally overlooked. I’ve been trying to get into SMT coming from Persona 3/4 as well and Devil Survivor feels like the perfect bridgegap.

Man, I would love a follow up article to this. Just checking up on how things are going. No biggie.

I grew up on Wild ARMs and imported the shit outta Radiant Historia.

Dat Severed doe

something something thieves

Played a few games of it and loved it. It really is a big change and it’s all the better for it to have this variety.

Awesome to hear. Fond memories, Yu-Gi-Oh.

Man, even just that artwork makes me excited.

I also hate it when I’m mixing up controls. I’ve been playing MGSV over the past month and during it, I decided to do a playthrough of Ratchet & Clank 3. It was a super fun nostalgia binge in anticipation of the new Ratchet, but when I went back to MGSV, I was quickly pressing triangle thinking it would bring up a

Hooooooly crap that’s perfect!


SteamWorld Heist!

Have my 3DS XL since 2013, around when Awakening came out. In fact I remember getting Awakening before my 3DS by a few days too. That was annoying.

Now that’s a line up! Great for both old and new gen. Now do the same thing PlayStation!

Ratchet & Clank