
Good on her for changing and moving on! Everything has its challenges.

While I’d rather it on PlayStation, it’s better to get a release than none at all! So thank you XSEED!

Someone’s been browsing GAF!

I started this morning with a 10 game losing streak, going down a couple ranks. After calming down and reflecting, I got all my points back and then some. Felt great.

This is awesome .

This article resonates with me. I absolutely hate the fact that manuals are dead. I would legit pay a little bit more just to have one. I want my games to have some weight! As they are now, I’d easily consider digital if it wasn’t for physical games’ ability to go down in price more naturally.

Ooh! Is that Benjamin? He was awesome in Theatrhythm Curtain Call, I loved having him in my parties. He’s even the character on my ProfiCard!

I planned this out. Got a 2TB HDD for my PS4 (500gb and every game has to be installed? git outta heeeeere), and then used the 500gb that the PS4 came with on my Wii U, thanks to the chassis that the 2TB drive came in. Booya.

Does that mean Sony’s conference will be done earlier and at a Euro friendly time? That would be greaaaat

Can’t wait for this game on Vita. Incredibly hardcore looking and highly stressful. I’M IN TO GET MY ASS KICKED

I can’t wait for this game. Can’t wait!

I really liked it. Gimme dat season 2!

These graphics really reminded me of 3D Dot Game Heroes.

And they could’ve chosen characters from the Tellius games.

I have difficulty finishing games, let alone replaying them. Then I bought SteamWorld Heist about a week and a half ago. My God. I’ve never played an indie game that resonated so much with me! I’ve already finished it twice (Regular, then on Experienced difficulty), and now replaying it again on the hardest

Never have I been put in such a good mood at the news of a game delay. Yay for quality!

2015 was pretty good eh?

Own the world with Lightning Legs Chun-Li!

Ugh. No thanks. I mean I like the clarity of information and how everything is neat and tidy but my GOD is it bland! Insert some colour or bust.

Yup. Bought Final Fantasy XII Revenant Wings for my DS collection and got a flat out fake from the CeX website. Manual was pretty hilarious, with Vaan and Penelo’s faces plastered on the sides of every page.