So many of my fave games :0
So many of my fave games :0
I NEED to play this game!
Silent Hill 2/3 are better than most of this list. ZombiU is bad. Thought Alien was super boring. Rest of the list is good :DD Never played Condemned though
My first and only YouTube video was a looped version of the instrumental opening theme from the incredible PV01 Trailer. Had over 6000 views and had only 10 or so subscribers. Had a lovely comment section too, talking about our excitement for the game, and Persona’s history. Video taken down and copyright struck.
NBA Street Vol. 2!
Rocket League just came out of nowhere and is currently my personal GOTY. It is that much fun! Makes my PS+ subscription entirely worth it too.
Not gonna lie, I played on a team of rollers vs a team that mostly had snipers and we got 90+% of the territory. Felt amazing but I felt a little bit sorry for the other team!
These just make me want a From Software developed Zelda. If only.
I'm not 100% sure but I think a lot of arcade cabinets nowadays (in particular for Tekken) have USB ports so that people can plug in their standard controllers. I feel like I remember reading that somewhere.
Two paragraphs complaining about default controls that can be changed was very silly. It may have been laggy for you, but you probably know that Smash will have a gigantic online community, and thus you probably should have checked other players' experience with online play. Zero, the winner of the E3 Smash…
Felt like going back to simpler times, currently playing Resident Evil 4 and Zelda Twilight Princess. Both on Wii, enjoying both immensely. Recently got Animal Crossing on 3DS to see what it's all about and I'm playing that a bit here and there too.
Disappointed that neither DmC nor Rising made the list, but a very good list nonetheless. It's been a damn good year.
Disappointingly missing Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes.
Well, I was in this very same situation a few months ago and these two games were the deciding factors for me too. Since I had played P4 on the PS2 I thought that P4G wouldn't be a good enough reason to get a Vita just yet. Then Soul Sacrifice happened. Then my PlayStation Plus subscription happened. Then E3 2013…