
This is definitely a fair point, although I still think Deadspin is right on this. The model is kind of a victim of its own success. Writers were never promised anything but a platform, which they got, but then the writers+platform combination turned out to be incredibly valuable and the compensation never made it to

This is a very good analogy for the situation. I’m not sure there’s any precedence in police-work; you generally don’t want to discourage people from reporting crimes because they might get charged if you’re wrong. However, this is a weird case in that it’s really, really obvious that Smollett made this up and

The opposite of interesting basketball is not smart basketball. They’re unrelated concepts. Virginia’s game isn’t particularly intelligent or nuanced. Like you said, they just play really slow and force teams to play offense for as long as possible (this is based on the assumption that college offenses suck, which is

Nats park is pretty great, all things considered. I mean, it’s got all the standard gouging, but there are a lot of entrances, the security is reasonably lazy, and there are nice outdoor bars nearby for pre-gaming. Not that they’re much cheaper than beers at the game, but it’s still a good experience most of the time.

Directed at commenters moaning about the lack of an American cross-country passenger train system. Did you not read the article? It’s wildly unprofitable, because the distances are completely different. For some reason a lot people in the US (mainly those who live in coastal cities and seldom leave them) have a wildly

Is ‘what if someone, like, fucked a pumpkin and it was, like, weird’ really a distinctive idea worthy of legal protection.

Could not agree more. This is an epidemic in the language (all ex-Gawker brands are top-tier offenders). One of the main reasons for it is because most journalists don’t know much, if anything, about what they write about and they don’t have the time or inclination to learn. So they learn to express their uninformed

How fucking stupid are these people? It’s USC, not Harvard.

I love that we’re at a point with Tesla where ‘multi-billion dollar company collectively forgot that it couldn’t just abandon a bunch of lease contracts on a whim’ is entirely believable. Why people invest in this nonsense is beyond me.

I love this sentence: “His mock bracket even includes momentum arrows so that you know whose tourney stock is “rising” and “falling,” because treating sports like politics means that ESPN can squeeze a little more something out of nothing.”

I absolutely love when studios/directors talk about how actors get cast in movies. “We wrote the movie for Johnny Knoxville, but then we asked Brad Pitt, and he wouldn’t do it, so we went to Chris Rock next, and that didn’t work out, and eventually... Gerard Butler”. And then they talk like they knew what they wanted

A lot of this is true and it’s a well-written piece, but there is no strategy at all in it. It’s a list of demands from the player-side, and a long one. What are the players giving up to get the owners to agree to some of this stuff? Asking for the world and striking until they get it isn’t going to happen. The union

Yea, this is ridiculous on so many levels. What exactly is the idea? Because I’m pretty sure like a million+ people have “come up with the idea” of another football league that’s like the G-League, but for the NFL.

Just having to see the odd commercial for it during football games is revolting. And on general principle I hate living in a world where this is a show watched by millions of people on a consistent basis. I can live with Trump being president; Young Sheldon is just too much. 

This is one of the stupidest things I’ve seen in a while. Not at all a Feinstein fan, but they’re kids. They don’t know anything. They don’t pay taxes, they don’t vote, they don’t do anything except consume things that are given to them. In this sense, I suppose these kinds of crazy-ass policies are well-suited for

This is just an absolutely bizarre story. I don’t really see the benefits for either side in lying here. Normally you’d assume that a police department wouldn’t think they could get away with making this kind of thing up, but it’s the Chicago PD, so maybe? And I have no idea what the guy who was attacked (now maybe

This was my thought exactly; after having this described as vampire-killing levels of garlic, 1 clove was quite the let-down. Possibly I buy the wrong garlic? But this seems to call for, like, a full head at least.

I don’t really care if Costas is a shill or not (I’m for yes, of course, because he was employed by a major TV network). The main issue to me is that he’s incredibly boring, tedious and uninteresting to listen to. He’s worse than the normal halftime morons; he thinks he’s saying deep, important things. They don’t. His

“fatherly, non-sexual manner”. It’s pretty much never good when this is your defense.....

Joe Rogan is perplexing to me in so many ways. He does decent interviews sometimes, although I think it’s usually by accident. Seems to work best when he has smart people on that have interesting ideas, then he mostly lets them talk while periodically acting dumb enough that they feel like they need to explain at a